Logan Paul Has Converted A Very Rare Pikachu Illustrator From 5 Million To NFT – Nerd4.life

Logan Paul Has Converted A Very Rare Pikachu Illustrator From 5 Million To NFT – Nerd4.life

We are facing another chapter in a long history Logan Paul with the Pokemon cards Of crazy value, in this case with the announcement of the transformation Pokémon Illustrator card is very rare in NFTthrough a new platform created by a YouTuber who became a professional wrestler.

Let’s sum it up: for some time now, Logan Paul has decided to invest part of his massive financial fortune in Pokemon cards, in some cases he bought fake cards of ridiculous numbers (but with great advertising revenue), and in others he bought real cards instead. For more ridiculous numbers. In this case, we’re talking about the Pikachu Illustrator that the character in question bought for her beauty $5275,000being in fact the only “good condition” card of its kind in the world.

After happily entering the Guinness Book of Records to purchase a private Pokemon card Most expensive in history, Logan Paul also proudly flaunted it at WrestleMania, as a discreet necklace attached to a gold chain. We are now facing another step in this evolutionary path, with the switch of the card in the NFT.

Logan Paul started the site liquid market, which handles purchases in the NFT and the blockchain, where virtual rights can be purchased on the respective card. The card can be purchased by default with different tokens of $0.10 each, in order to create a kind of cooperative possession of the object, which is expected to have a total of 50 million tokens.

According to reports, Logan Paul will still retain a minority ownership of the card, equal to about 49%, and give the rest in NFT to users, who will therefore be able to boast of joint ownership Card with the concerned person. The latter will also ask for permission from other users to continue wearing the card during wrestling matches, on top of that. It’s unclear if this is actually legal, but we look forward to seeing more developments in this regard.

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