“Drug rape” in the SPD party scores drunk women – Corriere.it

“Drug rape” in the SPD party scores drunk women – Corriere.it
From Paolo Valentino

The event took place at the traditional summer party, which was also attended by Chancellor Olaf Schultz. So far there is no evidence of violence or theft

from our reporter
Berlin – At least nine womenwho attended last Wednesday Summer Party Organized by Spd who was also present as Chancellor Olaf Schultz, He was anesthetized with drugs classified as rape drug
. It was the Social Democratic Party itself who broke the news, after reporting the incident to the Bundestag police. The second man in the SPD parliamentary bloc, Mathias Martin, said it was a terrible act. While one of his deputies, Katja Mast, called on any other victims to report this to the agents immediately.

The first complaint came from a 21-year-old girl, who had attended the party and told about it Feeling nauseous and dizzy despite not drinking alcohol. The young woman went to the hospital the next morning and called the police, who told them she had no recollection of what happened after 9:30 p.m. They were subjected to a toxicology examination, the results of which are not yet known. Meanwhile, according to the Social Democratic Party, eight more cases were reported, although only five cases have been confirmed by police so far. A spokeswoman for the security forces said that so far there was no evidence that the women had been sexually assaulted or robbed.

Sommerfests is a traditional event of Berlin politics before the summer holidays: it is organized by parties, media, ministries and professional associations.. They participated in that the Social Democratic Party About a thousand people, including chancellor, deputies, collaborators, party officials, as well as journalists, diplomats, and simple fighters. It was an internal event, which you only entered by invitation. A SPD spokesman said there were still some confirmed facts. Truly shocking – said the party leader, Lars Klingbeil – I am very incensed that such a thing could happen at an event we organized.

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Police are investigating unknown persons for serious personal injuries. The so-called rape drugs, defined in Vulgate KO drops, are tasteless liquid substances that can easily be mixed with a drink, causing nausea, dizziness, memory loss or even fainting. They are used by attackers to sexually assault victims, commit other acts of violence, or sometimes even rob them.

The phenomenon of the rise in the German capital. In 2021, according to reports from Berliner Zeitung22 official cases of drug-rape assault occurred in Berlin. But their real number is probably much higher, because many victims are either ashamed to report their attackers or do not remember what happened. Precisely for this reason, Social Democrat MP Mast urged anyone who was a victim of this act to file a complaint.

Jul 9 2022 (change on Jul 9, 2022 | 22:27)

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