King Charles was disappointed by Harry’s departure. And at the coronation banquet, he toasts Archie on his nephew’s birthday

King Charles was disappointed by Harry’s departure.  And at the coronation banquet, he toasts Archie on his nephew’s birthday

A toast to your grandchildren. Including Archie, who turned 4 on May 6. But also saddened by Harry’s absence, he is flown back to California…

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A toast to your grandchildren. Including Archie, who turned 4 on May 6. But also saddened by the absence of Harry, who returned to California a few hours after his coronation. King Charles took up the issue at the private banquet after the ceremony, where he said he was bitter before close relatives and friends because the second-born, though invited to lunch, preferred to go home immediately.


Written by the Daily Mail in a background story by Rebecca English, quoting a real-life source, “The King was deeply disappointed by Harry’s absence,” while “other family members would instead have breathed a sigh of relief in the absence of Carlo and Diana’s second son.”

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Missed but not forgotten by his father, who, in response to William’s toast in his honor, mentions his grandchildren George, Charlotte and Louis, as well as Archie, wishing him a happy birthday. Baby’s first birthday with Meghan Markle is (officially) the reason Harry decided not to stay in London longer than absolutely necessary.

Relegated to the third row with the inactive royals, hidden by Aunt Anna’s hat, alone and with relations with his brother William more strained than ever (the two weren’t speaking to each other), Harry appeared like a fish out of water and only exchanged a few jokes with his nephews. Her aunt then hurried back to Los Angeles from Heathrow.

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