Kiev is ready to attack Transnistria.

Kiev is ready to attack Transnistria.

Stoltenberg: “Indications that China intends to supply weapons to Moscow”

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, who is imploring Beijing to “desist” from its plans to support an illegal war, said there are “some indications” that China has plans to support Russia in an invasion of Ukraine. Law. We’ve seen some signs that they (the Chinese) may be planning to do this. NATO allies and the United States have warned them not to do this, and this should not happen. “China should not support Russia’s illegal war,” Stoltenberg said in an interview with The Associated Press reported by the Guardian. For the NATO chief, direct support for Moscow in its war effort “would be a violation of the United Nations Charter and international law.” Then Stoltenberg reaffirmed NATO’s support for Ukraine “as long as it is necessary.”

Moldova denies Moscow’s accusations of Kiev’s invasion of Transnistria

Moldova has denied Russia’s allegations that Ukraine is planning military action against the separatist region of Transnistria loyal to Moscow. CNN reports on it. A message on the Moldovan government’s official Telegram channel reads: “State authorities do not confirm the information published this morning by the Russian Ministry of Defense.” “We call for calm and invite the population to follow the example of the official and credible sources of the Republic of Moldova. Our institutions cooperate with foreign partners, and in case of danger to the country, they will inform the public without delay.

Italian Navy: “The Russian fleet is increasing its presence in the Mediterranean”

“The direct effects of the war in Ukraine on our security were again reflected at sea, namely the impressive increase in the numbers of the Russian fleet in the Mediterranean and Black Seas to a level not seen even in times of the Cold War. . The number of Russian ships has increased in the Mediterranean, a large number that does not pose an immediate threat to the national territory but greatly increases tension. The Russians have an aggressive attitude that was not usual in the Mediterranean and previously only apparent in the Baltic Sea. The risk of an accident is possible and when there is an accident of this kind you never know where it could end up.” This was stated by the Chief of the Naval Staff, Enrico Credendino, at a hearing before the Defense Committee of the Chamber.

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Moscow: Kiev is preparing an attack on Transnistria

“Kiev is preparing for an armed provocation against Transnistria,” the RIA Novosti news agency quoted the Russian Defense Ministry as saying in a Telegram. “According to available information, in the near future, the Kiev regime is preparing an armed provocation against the Transnistrian Republic of Moldova, which will be carried out by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, including with the participation of the Azov formation,” the ministry said. «As a pretext for the invasion, Kiev plans to organize an offensive from Transnistrian lands. The ministry said the saboteurs would wear Russian military uniforms.

Moscow’s defense ministry said it had obtained evidence of a plan whereby soldiers from the Ukrainian army and the nationalist Azov battalion, “dressed as the Russian armed forces”, would stage a bogus invasion of Ukraine starting from the territory of Transnistria, the self-proclaimed pro-Russian republic on the territory of Moldova. This would give Kievan forces an excuse to attack Transnistria. The Russian Defense Ministry warns that it is closely monitoring the situation along the border between Ukraine and Transnistria and is “ready to respond” to any developments. On the territory of Transnistria, Moscow has a detachment of about 1,500 soldiers.

Putin: Let’s strengthen nuclear weapons

In a video speech posted on the Kremlin’s website on Defender of the Fatherland Day, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that special emphasis would be placed on strengthening the country’s nuclear weapons. The tax is reported. Putin said that Russian Sarmat-based missile systems armed with heavy liquid-fuel intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of carrying nuclear payloads will enter service in 2023. Shipments of Zirkon supersonic missiles on ships will also begin in 2023.

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Moldova and Tagani: Putin is trying to intimidate European countries

“Russia is waging a war that is also trying to intimidate others,” Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani told the Italian press in New York, commenting on Vladimir Putin’s decision to revoke a decree partially supporting Moldova’s sovereignty within policies regarding the future of Transnistria. He said, “In Transnistria, there are Russian military departments. I met the Moldovan foreign minister who was in Brussels to speak at the European Foreign Affairs Council, maybe it’s a reaction”

On the eve of the anniversary of the Russian invasion ofUkraine inUnited nations A new resolution in favor of peace will be put to a vote, and Kiev is expected to receive massive support. The foreign minister noted that the document calls for “a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in Ukraine in line with the principles of the United Nations Charter”. Anthony Tajani He intervened among the first in the assembly and embraced his Ukrainian counterpart Kuleba at the end of his speech. The minister renewed the government’s unity on this issue and urged redoubling diplomatic efforts to resolve the dispute. However, the League is holding back on the shipment of new weapons to Kiev, while tensions remain over Berlusconi’s words on war and the reaction of Zelensky.

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