Julian Assange is avoiding extradition to the US and will be able to appeal his case in the UK

Julian Assange is avoiding extradition to the US and will be able to appeal his case in the UK

Julian Assange is avoiding extradition to the US and will be able to appeal his case in the UKEvie

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange got one An important victory This Monday at the hearing held in the Supreme Court of England and Wales. The judges granted the activist the right to continue his case Counting unit, After the US government failed to provide all the guarantees requested by the court to allow his extradition. In an opinion published last March, the judges called on the US administration to ensure that if he is extradited to the judicial system in this country, The activist will not be sentenced to the death penalty. He would not be affected by his nationality and would be protected by the First Amendment, which protects the right to freedom of expression.

But the US government guaranteed that Assange would not be sentenced to death It did not provide adequate guarantees against discrimination against the activist for reasons related to nationality. The judges noted last March that since he did not hold US citizenship, he likely would not have the same rights before that country’s judicial system, a fact that would violate protections under the European Convention on Human Rights. rights. Washington government lawyers say Assange could raise the possibility of First Amendment protection and are confident that justice will allow it, but They stress that the final decision rests with the judges.

The sum is repeated

Therefore, the court considered that The WikiLeaks founder’s rights are not fully protected if he is extradited It gave him the opportunity to make a full appeal against his extradition to the UK. Today, Monday, hundreds of people gathered outside the doors of the courts in London, in addition to their legal team, to celebrate the court’s decision. ““What happened today constitutes a turning point.”The activist’s wife confirmed, Stella Assange. “Everyone can see what is happening. The US case offends our democratic principles and our right to information “It is an attack on all journalists.” He added to a cheering audience.

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Assange entered in 2019 belmarsh prison, In East London yet Loss of diplomatic protection for the Ecuadorian government, Who took refuge in its embassy in 2012. Since then, he has fought before the courts to avoid extradition A process that lasted for five years It had a strong impact on physical and mental health, according to the woman. “We are relieved as a family that the court made the right decision. But how long can this continue? EOur eldest son will be seven, and all his father’s memorabilia is in the visiting room at Belmarsh Prison. said Stella Assange, who called for his immediate release and fair compensation, including a Nobel Prize.

Espionage crimes

For now, the possibility of Assange being released remains very remote, as he has yet to win an appeal against his entire case in the UK. The only option to close the case against him is in the hands of the US government, which can drop the charges. The Joe Biden administration opened the door to this possibility, according to American media, after receiving pressure from the government of Australia, Assange’s native country. In mid-February, this country’s parliament approved a motion to demand the closure of the case and the activist’s return to Australia, requests that were joined by nearly a dozen countries, eight of which were European.

but The United States insists that Assange should be tried for the 17 espionage crimes he is accused of in this countryIn addition to one count of unlawful access to a computer containing confidential information. Crimes that can amount to one imprisonment for up to 175 years, If he is finally extradited to American justice. The Washington government considers it so The reporter “conspired” with former US Army soldier Chelsea Manning to obtain classified information. Endangering the lives of Pentagon informants by revealing their names in thousands of documents. Through WikiLeaks, Assange leaked more than 250,000 files related to war crimes committed by the United States in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

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