Ivana Trump, The Mystery of Death. “He seems fine” – Corriere.it

Ivana Trump, The Mystery of Death.  “He seems fine” – Corriere.it
From Lorenzo Nicolau

The ex-president’s wife disappeared after being in an Italian restaurant. The owners are in shock: “He has no health problems.” The hypothesis of a heart attack prevails

Ivana Trump he is He died in New York at the age of 73Me, after dinner at an Italian restaurant on the Upper East Side, Manhattan neighborhood where he used to live. The ex-wife of US President Donald Trump was a regular customer of the restaurant, just a block from home, and the US version didn’t make it to any of the restaurants. the sun And from daily MailLooks like he might get sick soon after. The businesswoman was found dead in her home on 64th Street, across from Central Park, with her disappearance announced the following day by the same ex-husband the following day. social truth, The social network he founded.


To find her, already unconscious on the stairs of her apartment according to the statement from the local firefighters, were the paramedics who arrived after calling for help. The cause of death appears to have been cardiac arrest, or in any case of sudden illness, although he did not show signs of particular malaise during dinner. The hypothesis that, precisely because of the way the woman looked, did not provoke the slightest confusion among those who saw her in the last hours of her life. As I mentioned before Washington Post, there NYPD Immediately investigate the death, making sure there are no signs of burglary or any other item in the home that could lead to a criminal incident. The medical examiners then assessed whether the fall from the stairs had killed Ivana Trump or whether it was the result of illness.

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Restaurant owners say

vanishement “wonderful lady”so they called Trump’s first wife, who also had a past on Italian TV (Participating in Dancing with the Stars), the owners of the restaurant where he dined the night before his death said they were “still in shock” at the sudden death of…Ex-businessman of Czech descent.
“She may have looked a little tired, but she was fine without any obvious health issues,” the Italian restaurant manager told reporters. Nilo We are upset, we are very sorry, she was one of our most loyal customers and she was always asking us how we were and whether things were going well, with great affection. We saw a lot of excitement under his apartment, but we did not immediately understand what happened. He was a really great person.”
for Attila JitenIvana Trump, the general manager of the restaurant, was a sunny woman, and after meeting her a few days earlier, she told reporters that after a long conversation, right at the table in the restaurant where she used to sit, he saw her happy. And always elegant in his ways. “She has always been kind to us, showing herself available to all the other clients, who asked her for an autograph, from Sylvie. Always smiling with everyone.”

Jul 15 2022 (change on Jul 15, 2022 | 12:53)

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