Italian Stock Exchange, commenting on today’s session (March 15, 2022)

Italian Stock Exchange, commenting on today’s session (March 15, 2022)

Generali records an increase after the release of the financial results for the year 2021. Oil sector inventories are in red. MFE-MEDIAFOREUROPE remains pending

The main indices of the Italian Stock Exchange and the main European financial markets Record the partial differencesAfter losing more than 2%. He stated that “the selling of Chinese stocks, due to the renewed embargo to combat the coronavirus epidemic, as well as the possibility of economic sanctions by the West if China were to support Russia militarily, affected the mood of the market,” Pierre Ferret – Technical Analyst at ActivTrades.

It’s 14.10 FTSEMib It fell by 0.05% to 23.414 points, after it fluctuated between the lowest level at 22.929 points and the highest level at 23.415 points. At the same time FTSE Italia all participated It was losing 0.12%. Also minus sign for FTSE Italia medium hat (-0.62%) for The star of FTSE Italia (-1.05%).

The Bitcoin It fluctuates around $38,500 (just over 35,000 euros).

The BTP-Bund spread Less than 160 points are reported.

L ‘euro I touched $1.1.

general Records an increase of 1.84% to €17.97after spreading 2021 financial results. The data showed an improvement in the operating result and total premiums, which exceeded the consensus of analysts. Generali’s management also presented some strategic and operational indicators for 2022 and proposed a dividend of 1.07 euros.

positive performance for i Securities for the banking sector.

UniCredit Converted (+ 0.69% to 9.619 €). The CEO of the institute, Andrea Orsel, announced that the bank is studying the performance of activities in Russia and is also evaluating the possibility of leaving the country.

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Oil sector stocks are in redAfter the price of crude oil in New York (the contract expires in April 2022) fell to $ 96 a barrel.

where are you It loses 1.9% to 12,732 euros. .’s worst performance Tenaris (-3.25%).

MIdCap Stock MFE-MEDIAFOREUROPE (formerly Mediaset) and related derivative instruments are temporarily suspended from trading pending a press release.

In Euronext Growth Milan a definitely negative trend for CY4gate (-7.77% to 10.92 euros). The company announced that the capital increase was fully subscribed at 10.5 euros per share, for a total amount of 90 million euros, with the issuance of 8,571,428 new shares. CY4gate closed the session on Monday 14 March 2022 at €11.84.

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