It works to put out 200 lumens

It works to put out 200 lumens

the Franz Schubert Philharmonic You will play this one Sunday a Lafact (18 Hours) One of the most important, and in some parts also the most popular, works in the history of music: Beethoven's novena. It will do so under the leadership of director Thomas Grau.

he Cor madrigal He will be responsible for providing the voice for the bicentenary celebration of the work which will feature soprano Junie Martinez, mezzo-soprano Tanette Bono, tenor Eamonn Mulhall, and baritone Carles Pachon.

Symphony No. 9 in D minor, Op. 125, Ludwig van Beethoven's final symphony, premiered in Vienna on September 18 May 7, 1824. Since then, 200 years have passed, this work has never ceased to deliver, and even now it continues to amaze many. And even part of the so-called “Hymn to Joy” – the final part of the symphony – was adopted by the European Union as an anthem of the community.

Two days after Beethoven's Ninth extinguishes the two hundred candles, Europe Day will be celebrated, a day that wants to celebrate peace and unity, two concepts present, specifically, in the symphony. The Ninth is a melody to a text by Friedrich Schiller calling for brotherhood among men, but it goes much further. It is “a musical monument of the first order, an admirable work that makes us believe in peace between peoples and in the hope of being much better”, highlighted in the concert presentation in Terrassa which detailed that “these ideas which Beethoven so blindly advocated, are expressed With intense, expressive and technically perfect music.” Together, in a work that “encourages us, with every listening, to develop the fraternal spirit of humanity.”

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