iPhone and Pets: How Our Smartphone Can Monitor and Care for Our Animals | The house and four-legged friends are always protected

iPhone and Pets: How Our Smartphone Can Monitor and Care for Our Animals |  The house and four-legged friends are always protected
Find out the behavior of your four-legged friend in real time with Apple – www.iPaddisti.it

Thanks to this new setting, your iPhone will be able to keep an eye on your four-legged friends at home while you’re away.

A new programming interface was born The position of the animal’s body which Apple will include as soon as possible in the next updates.

just finished WWDC 2023 In Cupertino the news was crazy. Among the many that we are going to talk about, there is one very interesting and above all unusual for the Apple environment.

During the conferences, there was talk of the possibility of using the iPhone as a video camera to monitor us Pets when they stay at home. In short, an innovation that will certainly be useful to many.

core technology, Application programming interfaces The position of the animal’s body, is able to recognize and track animals using your phone’s camera. But how will all this be possible? Let’s try to make it clearer to understand how it works.

No more fear for your pets: Apple and the amazing discovery

its name The position of the animal’s bodylet’s talk from the programming interface Which the great from Cupertino started to get his hands on. How will Apple manage to control our four-legged friends? The interface is able to recognize dogs and cats in photos and videos thanks to 25 reference points that extend from ears to tails. As I mentioned Ansa.it: “Determines the position, i.e. whether the pet is sitting, standing, or asking for food. Developers who want to take advantage of this system will be able to create applications that automatically track subjects in live video across a 360-degree field of view, to build and launch their own pet cameras that iPhone powered.. In short, this new project will allow owners to determine the positions and movements of their pets in real time Thanks to the tracking system.

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New Apple project: Animal Body Pose – www.iPaddisti.it

The new function that tracks your pet’s movement

This new feature, if approved, could be really useful especially if the pet in question is going to stay at home for a longer period of time. Thanks to this interface it will be possible to develop Great apps for animals. Meanwhile, the first ideas like A.S machine for sale Able to dispense a portion of the crackers when our furry friend asks for food. In conclusion, we can say that Apple has laid very important foundations for what will later be the work of developers who, thanks to such an important tool as The position of the animal’s bodythey will be able to really create very practical applications.

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