“I told Luka” I’m going to have sex with whomever I want”, he yelled at us” I’m going to kill you”»

“I told Luka” I’m going to have sex with whomever I want”, he yelled at us” I’m going to kill you”»

Unpublished and burnt discoveries, those contained in “Oro,” the autobiography of blue-swimmer Federica Pellegrini released today at the Library. for the first time…

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Unpublished and Burnt Revelations, those contained in “gold”The Autobiography of a Blue Swimmer Federico Pellegrini Today in the library. For the first time, La Divina recounted the emotional triangle that precipitated the 2011 withdrawal of the Italians participating in the Swimming World Championships in Shanghai in a storm.

The protagonists of the story are Federica, her boyfriend at the time Luca MarinAnd Philip MagniniTeammate alike. “Luca is starting to feel bad, not eating and losing weight a lot. He was suspicious, restless. And he was not mistaken, ”writes Pellegrini, recalling the fateful weeks that preceded the start of the tournament. “At the time he asked me if there was another one and I denied it.” Soon Federica will leave her boyfriend. But no one knows anything about the newly born story with Magnini.

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Federica Pellegrini: «I was the best athlete, everyone was watching me. I stopped eating because of anxiety.”

comb knot

The next evening, Federica attempts to gain access to her lover’s secret room. But to do so, she is forced to walk past Marin’s room: not imagining that the latter has been lurking in the peephole of the door, the whole time, looking for evidence of her infidelity.

And in fact, as soon as he sees her pass by, he opens the door and shouts: “Where are you going?” he asks her out loud, urging her not to make fun of him. Totally inventing that she’s on the phone with her mom. An excuse destined to come after two nights: «I open the door, I leave the room, I look around: everything is clear. I get to Filippo’s room, but at the climax we hear a brutal knock on the door: I’ve heard it all, get out or I’ll kill you! Filippo and I do not open. Luca beside himself, he would have ended up in a fight.”

Tough in front of CEOs: “I can…with whomever I want.”

At this point, to avoid a fight, the intervention of the national swimming team’s managers becomes necessary, and is put on the phone by a couple of “secret” lovers. Federica is told to make peace with Marin, given that the two still have to share several more weeks of back-and-forth. The request to the dispatcher is denied: «I go into the lobby, I’m calm, I don’t care, I didn’t do anything wrong, it’s just my business. Luca shouts, do you realize what you’re doing? Am I sick? Sorry, I’ll tell him, we broke up 2 days ago so I can do whatever I want. More precisely, I say in front of the leaders of the Union, I can … with whoever I want ».

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