Message from Ciro Ferrara on Corriere dello Sport on the anniversary of the death of Diego Armando Maradona: the words
The latest news in Naples – November 25, 2022. Two years since the disappearance Diego Armando Maradona. Words are lost, and love for the city of Naples becomes instead an ever-burning flame.

To find the words, to write a letter to MaradonaI was Ciro Ferrara who went to visit a house D10S Two years after his death: Diego thirsts for dreams in your house. Thus begins the letter posted in Sports Courier:
“I traveled to you, to your roots. I was looking for the closest hug, because on your birthday, I wanted to be close to you again. I came to your house, to breathe the air of your sky. Home is the most beautiful word there is, it is not just a place, but where life flows.” I fancied seeing you here, where I am now. Did I look out that little window? Did I run out to play football in the street? If poverty here cries out in all its misery, there is a noise of joy and hunger for dreams. How comforting near you, my friend. Since that bad day , I was able to hear you every time, little by little a wounded heart.”

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