Hyenas, Paula Egono are formidable against labels and prejudices

Hyenas, Paula Egono are formidable against labels and prejudices

On the volleyball court Paula Egono is extraordinary, but also as an introduction it didn’t disappoint at all. on head hyenas One evening, she took her place alongside Nicola Savino, previously occupied by Elodie, Rossio Munoz Morales and Elisabetta Canales, and made her television debut.

“Le Iene”: Paola Egonu made her debut as a presenter

She immediately appeared at ease in an environment unknown to her, proving that she is He has a great personality even off the field. Paula IgunoThe Italian volleyball player and European champion, in fact, decided to accept a new challenge and test herself with the management.

in the study of d hyenasAnd She said she was happy and excited. In fact, she has been following the show since she was a child. For the occasion, Igono wore a gorgeous little black dress, with a deep V neckline. Very high indeed, over one meter ninety, give up heels to wear repairs. Also an excellent option for accessories: hoop earrings, a necklace and rings, all golden in color.

Paula Igono: The monologue that conquered everyone

The IgonoIn addition, he wanted to take advantage of his unprecedented role in hyenas To highlight a topic that is particularly close to her heart. Paula, being an athlete, is actually used to making sacrifices, keeping up with expectations and living under pressure.

In short, he has been able to withstand a lot of stress, and he has diverted all the negative aspects of the competition by giving it positive repercussions. However, there something that can’t be tolerated: biases.

I am an athlete and there are a lot of expectations about me. Sometimes the pressure can overwhelm you because everyone expects a lot from you. This is clearly part of the game and I work every day to turn pressure into bravery and defense into attack. I love that. What I don’t like is the stickers people stick on me. He prefers to judge me for who I love, the color of my skin, and my passport. I can’t stand this thing. And if you really want to put a sticker on me, there’s one I can wear: for free.

His message is clear to viewers and can’t help but overpower everyone. His words are a call to non-judgment and, above all, to Do not allow yourself to be influenced by the judgments of othersIn short, a true hymn to freedom.

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