How is knowledge transmitted and spread? Scientific Press Review November 2021

How is knowledge transmitted and spread?  Scientific Press Review November 2021

How is knowledge transmitted and spread?  Scientific Press Review November 2021

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What research and discoveries caught the attention of our peers in the science press this month?

In the program, we will delve into the virtual and parallel universe of metaverse. This is the social network par excellence, a kind of 3D internet that has landed in our reality for better or worse. We’ll also go up by looking at our universe through the much-anticipated James Webb Telescope. We will return to Earth to ask ourselves about a vital resource, completely renewable but which may be missing: water. We will travel the human body to discover the unknown powers of supplement, and finally we will analyze the paradox of the bicycle in equilibrium, when subtraction is more effective than addition!

With :

– Cecil ListianNS Brain and psyche

– Philip HanarjosNS sky and space

– Muriel FallenNS Epsilon

– Thomas DelawareNS science and life

– Carol ChatlinNS Science and the future

Philip Hanarjos invites you to push yourself into space! It’s free and takes place on November 5, 6 and 7, at the Explor’Espace Festival, in Montrouge! all information Who is the.

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