How far do you have to walk to lose 1 kg? Science’s answer will surprise you Do it now

How far do you have to walk to lose 1 kg?  Science’s answer will surprise you  Do it now

To know: here when you have to walk to lose 1 kg, the answer is surprising. to go immediately. All useful information.

Walking is very good for health. It’s a very affordable physical activity if you don’t have certain health issues or mobility issues. In addition to, He walks It is highly recommended regularly, as it helps to lose weightTo stimulate blood circulation, improve breathing and strengthen muscles. In short, everyone should walk, at least a little, and at least every day.

How far do you have to walk to lose 1 kg?  Science’s answer will surprise you  Do it now
How far do you have to walk to lose 1 kg? Science’s answer will surprise

How much is needed Walking to lose weight? Much depends primarily on your physical constitution and the extra pounds that need to be shed. Then it depends on the pace and time of the walk, how many times a week and how long each time. Finally, and this greatly affects the calories consumed, weight loss depends on the intensity of walking. Below, we find out how much you need Walking to lose 1 kg.

How much do you have to walk to lose 1 kg, the surprising answer

To stay in shape and lose weight, it is essential to exercise every day. Even a little but constantly, like walking. Regularity is everything but did you know how long it takes to walk to lose 1 kg? As mentioned above, there is no single answer uniquedepends on weight, physical fitness, age, walking duration, intensity and pace.

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How much do you walk to lose 1 kg
Walking is good, in summer do it on the beach –

Approximately 1 kg corresponds to body fat 7000 calories. It is not small and walking alone is not enough. You also need to follow one Low calorie dietWith the advice of a dietitian or nutritionist. By combining physical activity and diet, good results will be achieved. As long as there is consistency.

They exist then Different types of walkingwith different physical intensity and effort, and can be divided into three categories:

  • Walking or hiking At a moderate pace, you can burn 3 calories per kilogram of body weight in one hour. So, in an hour of walking, a person weighing 60 kg will burn 180 calories.
  • Intense walking At a fast pace, you can burn 5 calories per kilogram of body weight in one hour. The same person who weighs 60 kg will burn 300 calories in an hour of walking.
  • Walk uphillIt allows you to burn 6 kilocalories per kilogram of weight in one hour. So a person weighing 60 kg will burn 360 calories in an hour of walking.

It is clear that losing 1 kilogram of weight in a week just by walking is not possible, unless you go on vacation and do nothing else all week. It is necessary to follow a low-calorie diet.

You can, however, Hit the road and get into the good habit of walking every day, even if it’s just for half an hour. Keeping your training in mind, then, you can alternate between walking at a moderate pace and intensity, with some strenuous stretching exercises.

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