Horoscope from December 26 to January 1, 2023

Horoscope from December 26 to January 1, 2023

Weekly horoscope
First Quarter Moon in Aries
(from December 26 to January 1, 2022)

Greetings to all!
How are you? Here is your horoscope for this last week of the year, which takes us by the hand into the sky of 2023! A week naturally marked by the Sun in Capricorn, a sign of long-term projects and expectations, and the Moon in Aries reawakening our entrepreneurial spirit. It seems to me the best case scenario for crafting “good resolutions” for the new year, making an effort to do so “positively.” To imagine ourselves in a better life we ​​try to imagine where is sheAnd the Such as And the with whom We like to be.

In fact, what is about to begin is a year that can really “revolutionize” many of the dynamics that are now making us feel trapped, to put us back in charge of our lives. It is appropriate to say that hats subvert all that we have accepted out of fear or confusion, and this is the basic premise of the return to movement. Perhaps this is the meaning of the train on the cover of my new book HOROSCOPE 2023 – THE ROUND OF THE YEAR IN 12 STAGESwhich you can find at this linkbut also in all other digital stores or in your trusted bookstore!

I must leave you with your horoscope, and thank you again for the love and attention you have devoted, week after week, to our wonderful project. This new book is dedicated to you (along with all the previous books and much more) because without you all this would not exist!

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Hugs and happy reading to all!
with my love,

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