Hermes, the heir adopts his gardener and leaves him all his assets (over 9 billion). But an NGO disputes this

Hermes, the heir adopts his gardener and leaves him all his assets (over 9 billion).  But an NGO disputes this

Assets estimated at more than 10 billion francs. This is the fortune acquired by Nicolas Bosch, the last descendant of the founder of the French fashion house…

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Assets estimated at more than 10 billion francs. This is the wealth that Nicolas Bouche, the last descendant of the founder of the French fashion house Hermès, wants to leave as a legacy to his comprehensive company. Bush, who is single and has no children, decided to “adopt” his maid, a 51-year-old Moroccan, so that he could include him in his will. The Tribune de Genève newspaper reported the news. However, the French businessman’s decision triggers a legal battle with the Isocrates Association, a Swiss NGO founded by Bosch himself, the former recipient of the will.

the legacy

Puech owns 5.7% of the fashion house’s capital (but not counting real estate assets). Some time ago, the heir had honored his handyman by giving him a luxurious estate in Marrakesh worth one and a half million francs, and a villa in Montreux worth four million. But that was not enough for Boyish: the man wants the 51-year-old to be his sole heir. According to information possessed by the Swiss newspaper, the two could have actually formed a strong bond during the lockdown.

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The NGO wants to challenge the will. Nicola Borsinger, secretary of the foundation that combats fake news and the sensationalization of news, spoke of “the sudden and unilateral cancellation of the inheritance agreement, considering it invalid and baseless.” The death of a wealthy French businessman will ignite a bitter legal war that could last for years. According to Swiss laws, it would be difficult for a descendant of the House of Hermes to change the genetic structure without the approval of the Isocrates Society. But Bush’s stunt could make the appeal very complicated. In fact, the method of proving the hypothesis of fraud by an incompetent person seems to have disappeared, given the close relationship between the two (confirmed by the heir himself) and the state of Bush’s health, which everyone thought was excellent.

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