Here are those that close immediately and those that expand – Libero Quotidiano

Here are those that close immediately and those that expand – Libero Quotidiano

The ray table changes again for i world Cup And to get Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Tomorrow is the standard time of Unomattina di Massimiliano Osini, On air as always from about 9.00 to 10.00, which is when the line will pass to Eleonora Daniele. But the broadcast will only last half an hour, given that at about 10:30 a.m. my colleague Lorena Bianchetti will arrive on videotape for a special episode of on his image Dedicated specifically to the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Then, there will also be a delay broadcast of Rai Uno in mid-morning with always noon which will start about 25 minutes after the scheduled time of 11.55, and then extend to the 1.30pm newscast.

Today is another day by Serena Bortone to be broadcast in the traditional time slot. But at around 2.45pm it will in fact be interrupted by TG1’s extraordinary live broadcast that will follow the Pope’s homage to the Immaculate Conception statue in Rome. After TG1 noon, Alberto Matano with Live Life will finally be back on the air, presenting the kick-off at 4.30pm and remaining on video until 6.45pm. In the end, Flavio Incina With L’Eredità it will be broadcast in its classic slot at 6.45pm. After the prime time release of TG1, Amadeus would finally start again with Soliti Ignoti.

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