Gf Vip, during the night Wilma Goich breaks the rules twice!

Gf Vip, during the night Wilma Goich breaks the rules twice!

The night at the Big Brother Vip was never turbulent. After saying goodbye to Sarah Manfuso, Wilma Jewish is stunned by twice breaking the rules of the show.

in home Big Brother VIP There is no moment of peace. after saying Goodbye Sarah Manfusowhich withdrew as promised during the last episode of the program, Wilma Goish breaks weakness Regulation subordinate Reality show for Canale 5. Here’s what happened.

Big Brother Vip, Wilma Goich collects it in a big way

after the case Marco Bellaviaa house Big Brother VIP Divided into two and the fans, although satisfied with the actions I took Alfonso Signorini In the episode, they also wish to see other people complicit in the early abandonment of the punished giffino. In the final hours, after the very difficult episode and after expressing his dissatisfaction with the issue, Sarah Manfuso has decided to retire from Gf Vip.

Jevina admitted that she did not want to see this story taken advantage of, fighting for years against injustice and having the mental health of the people at her heart, and thus preferred not to continue down the path that for her is now no longer as clear as hoped. . Meanwhile, at night, we discuss new episode broadcast tonight Channel 5 And the Wilma Jewish tries to Avoid microphones To suggest close colleagues Nominations approved.

“For tomorrow we must agree on the nominations…Turn off the mic. Yes, let’s also agree on the balance,” Biccy reports.

clumsy attempt to Wilma From Breaking the rules twice – evading microphones and agreeing to telvoto – has not gone unnoticed by the web folks, who, though ironically taking this clumsy ploy, demand that Gentlemen He takes action. Moreover, the singer did not suffer the consequences of the Bellavia affair, which led to public discontent considering the way it was done Wilma, also fired against Antonella FiordelisiDeal with the givino.

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