general in ruins. Darkness behind the trench

general in ruins.  Darkness behind the trench

A year of war and no prospect of peace on the horizon. Despite yesterday’s proposal by the United Nations General Assembly, Ukraine remains an open and bloody battlefield. On the 800-kilometer Eastern Front, in the Zaporizhia region and near Kherson, bombs continue to fall and people die.

Say it It means keeping in mind that any advance or regression in this struggle is not an isolated event. Liman and Kherson “Russian forever” and then returned under the control of Kiev is its motto. May to October are two different worlds. First, the anger, the suffering, and the weariness of those who escape from the few things they manage to bring with them. Mourning is without a mourning coffin or a cemetery to bring flowers to. The hours he spent trying to track down some missing relative or friend on the phone. Then the enthusiasm to return, banners, videos with music full of hope and joy. But the problems remain, the war is not over and without running water, gas and electricity everything is difficult, and even continuing to survive. As if this were not enough, the front changes again and the enemy approaches again. And if Liman falls again, how is that possible, if a new attack returns to destroy the same areas? Nothing was done, still more dead military and civilians, and fresh streams of blood added to the raging river that had already been flowing towards hell for a year.

to all of those Those who continue to assert with amazement never understand what is simulated: “But how is all this possible, today, in 2022?” More and more one has to answer, “But where did you live until last February 24?” The war in Ukraine is not the only war going on, and the media attention it has received is certainly unprecedented in recent years. But the mechanisms of information must never mislead the fundamental judgment, which must cause us to reject any war as the most obvious symbol of man’s will to oppress his fellow men.

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This does not mean that there is not a single aggressor and attacker, but in a context such as that of war, inhumanity gradually tends to impose itself, spreading a thick and dark veil that covers everything. Watching the exhumation of corpses in Izium for days, with the stench filling your nostrils and making you vomit every second, for example. How do you determine if a dead person has been tortured? By analyzing the corpse on a black bag outside the grave and then transporting it upon sight to a field laboratory. It was important, we said to ourselves, to understand whether the Russian soldiers had tortured these people. But to tell her you have to see her and educate yourself and constantly ask disgusting questions. How many, what kind of violence, and who will check your diagnosis?

The editors recommend:

Conflict chronology

danger That all this turns into a number or list of horrors that are always there. It’s normal to get tired of knowing some things, especially when we haven’t talked about anything else in months.
Yes, but then there are civilian refugees at the Azot chemical plant in Severodontsk, known and told shortly before Russian soldiers entered the city. Hundreds of people were in the dark around the clock when the power outage due to the massive bombing of Surovkin was still far away. The stories were collected through a former English teacher who carried the children around like some kind of pied piper. Seniors are angry at this ungrateful state who insult you because they don’t want anyone to see them transform into that state, let alone bring them back. Other old people want instead to send letters to distant children, to Europe, or to President Zelensky. You say goodbye to them and leave for other cities close to the front or come back to your home now and then. And you discover that the Russian artillery hit that very place and the number of dead is not even known.

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But we must not exaggerate, too much suffering is not good, we risk being caught in agitation, being accused of wanting to “photograph” reality.

This is the context wider to be essential. In other words, the interests at stake and the role of NATO. So the Ukrainian Major Moskva will not be able to sink without the British-made Neptune missiles. Someone from London may also have helped them with the coordinates. Just as the attack on the Crimean bridge could not be the work of only Kiev intelligence, “it is a very complex operation.” The same scenario of the bombing of the Engels base, 800 km into Russian territory or the attack on Dugin’s daughter, which the American press attributed, however, to some “deviant parties” of the Ukrainian intelligence services.

On the other side During the war, the stories you encounter may actually be news. Reporting testimony, as we did, from Ukrainian families in Donbass who accuse Ukrainians themselves of bombing their homes explains clearly and in the limited space of the report why we are talking about generational divisions about who was born under the Soviet Union and who is the son of Euromaidan. However, the testimony of Anna and her neighbors helps to understand the context in which separatist dialectics entered. In addition to the fact that being able to collect and publish them, and continue to work after that, indicates that many correspondents managed (from the Ukrainian side) to write articles that contradict the so-called “dominant version”. Where we have never seen a video on the Russian side in which an old woman said that she would rather live under the authority of Kiev and that the war was made by the Russians.

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On the other hand, cultural differences played a double role in this war. In the first place they served as a pretext for the invasion. They have now become a mainstay of Kremlin propaganda accusing the West of wanting to destroy Russia in a semantic inversion in which only self-interest makes sense.

And to understand that each of these differences is the sap that feeds the demon of war is to acknowledge that the work of those who tune in from the field is essential because otherwise, as all conspiracy theorists or lazy people like to say, the first victim of war, the truth, will continue to die every day.

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