Former Volta students in the classroom to talk science

Former Volta students in the classroom to talk science

A great passion for scientific subjects, school at heart and a desire to get involved to help their younger colleagues find their own way. Without wanting anything in return: the reward is allowing hidden talent to emerge. Students and former students of Volta High School are the protagonists of the Volta4Science project, an initiative aimed at all groups that aims to create a community in high school where subjects such as mathematics, physics, logic, computer science and the medical field can be explored.

They are the teachers: university students – or fifth-year students – who return to the classroom with courses for young people. “At first we thought of a project with study rooms, then Covid took over – they explain Andrea Meili, Federico Zavaro And Martina Colombo, among the promoters of the initiative – as soon as there was a possibility, we pushed to start the project. There are currently about fifteen active teachers: “We want to give them the opportunity to delve deeper into the topics that interest us and find some hidden talent, and we will give them the space to express themselves.” A challenge for them, too. “We are engaged in providing help to others, and we are fully prepared,” they add. And compatible with our school and university obligations. Without the help of some teachers, we would not be here: think, for example, of the teacher Silvia Tarasco He’s at Laura BianchiBut also to all others.”

Great pride for the Volta manager Angelo Valtorta: «I am grateful to all the students and former students who find time to help convey their passion – and – he emphasized – it is not so obvious, on the contrary. It is a unique experience and I hope it will be followed up and implemented in other schools as well. They have a strong passion that drives them to pass it on to others with their generosity. It fills me with pride and hope, and means that the path they have taken here has left a positive mark. They are the best guys. If our school generates these behaviors, it has achieved its goals.”

See also  Today, Sunday, July 23, at 18.30 Sex AZ. From science to everyday life.” In Caffè della Versiliana, Giuseppe Crociani and Nicola Mondini.

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