Finance, neighbourhood, language or referendum, the main issues in the electoral showdown between the ERC, the PSC and the Junts

Finance, neighbourhood, language or referendum, the main issues in the electoral showdown between the ERC, the PSC and the Junts

He added, “On May 12, it will be decided whether the country's leader is the President of Catalonia or a delegate from Moncloa.” With these words, the president of the state and candidate of the Catalan Revolutionary Council in the Catalan elections defined his strategy in the pre-election event, Peter Aragones. Which is that the ERC will build its electoral strategy on the confrontation with the PSC rather than the confrontation with Gontz Demographic struggle Where the Socialists occupy first place and the Republicans compete for second and third places with Puigdemont's team in a very close manner. Socialist candidate Salvador EllaIt maintains a less polarizing strategy given its prominent first place in the polls Carles Puigdemont Criticism has focused on the ERC at the present time, fighting for the dominance of independence.

But the Catalan elections will be an election they will win Very central issues in Catalonia. Topics such as the financing system of the General State, the defense of Catalonia, the transfer of Rodales, infrastructure and investments, reducing housing prices or resolving the political conflict between Catalonia and the state, will focus on a large part of the campaign. Especially regarding The confrontation between Republicans and SocialistsBut where Puigdemont will also have to take a stand.

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The state financing system, the defense of Catalonia, the relocation of suburbs, infrastructure and investments, the reduction of housing prices or the resolution of the political conflict between Catalonia and the state will focus on a large part of the campaign.

It is clear that all political forces have a model for Catalonia, but it is of particular importance in the case of… Three candidates with options for state president. As acting president, Aragones particularly wants to contrast with the Socialist candidate and opposition leader Salvador Illa, regarding the country proposals, given that Puigdemont is not involved in the day-to-day management of the country and raises one problem. More identity holdersThis is in exchange for the presidency he assumed in 2017 when he was dismissed under Article 155 of the Constitution.

In order to address the significant challenges facing Catalonia, public jurisdiction needs state-based instruments that must be activated or transferred. In Esquerra, they are convinced that one of the weaknesses of Illa and the PSC is that in order to convince the Spanish government to surrender many… Management issues If what is on the table, there is a need for pressure that the Catalan Socialists, if Illa becomes president, will not be able to exert in relation to a PSOE-led government like that of Pedro Sánchez. While the left has Compression tools Given the accounting situation of the House of Representatives. He will also have the ability to put pressure on the Spanish government, but Republicans will try to focus on candidate Puigdemont's inability on administrative issues, after more than six years in exile.

Financing system

By ERC, “Single” financing system. For Catalonia drawn up by Minister Natalia Mas Gex is one of the main flags of the campaign. In general, this system is based on the general state collecting 100% of taxes and setting a share for state services, similar to the Basque Country, with the addition of an agreed share for solidarity between the regions. As for Gantz, the proposal 100% tax collection It was included in the inaugural agreement with the SWP as an option to be explored, but nothing else was specified. The Socialist Socialist Party continues to advocate for improving funding, but it rejects the Republicans' proposal just as the Socialist Workers' Party and the Socialists are betting on a common model agreed upon by all sects.

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Ella: “With all humility, the only president of the region who can obtain fair and effective financing, which brings more resources to Catalonia, is me, and that is what I will do. Negotiate sincerely and without seeking concessions.”

This has already drawn strong criticism from Acting President Pere Aragonés against Salvador Illa. Aragones accuses Ella of defending… The interests of the socialist barons, from the Spanish government and the barons of the regional People's Party in the debate over funding for Catalonia, a proposal guaranteed to receive “broad support”. On the other hand, Illa stressed on Sunday in an interview with La Vanguardia newspaper: “With all humility, the only president of the region who can obtain fair and effective financing, which brings more resources to Catalonia, is me and that is what I will do.” Do this, negotiate sincerely and without seeking concessions.” PSC is committed to this Developing the tax union It is already included in the statute which would allow for an agreement with the state to improve financing.


Disastrous rail service in the interior of Catalonia, be it Suburbs From the Barcelona metropolitan Regional Connecting the main Catalan cities, it will also be a key point for Esquerra's strategy. The ERC government included in the Pedro Sánchez investment agreement the “full” transfer of this very important public transport service. But its complexity means that for now everything is still in its infancy.

The Republicans assert that the Socialist Presidency will not have the ability to exert pressure to confront the great reluctance in Madrid – and Renfe – to complete the complex transfer process.
The necessary slowness in the transfer process, which must take place in stages Junts lead to agreement disqualification and reduction Considering it to be completely insufficient. For their part, Republicans blame the PSC for Rodalis' poor service because it is the responsibility of the PSOE state government, while the PSC defends that the problems Rodalis is experiencing are the result of and endemic disinvestment resulting from PP governmentsWhich they say the current government of Pedro Sanchez is making up for.

Infrastructure investment

Aragonés: “Who will defend Catalonia with regard to investment will not be the parties that have failed to comply over the past four years”

The huge underinvestment in Catalan infrastructure by the state is a classic that will return this campaign. Especially regarding the low figure for budget implementation, in line with the autonomous regions of the state and much lower than in Madrid. In 2022, the state It only implemented 42.6% of what was budgeted In Catalonia, while In Madrid, he did so by 166%.. Aragonés also accused the Socialists, saying: “Who will defend Catalonia in terms of investment will not be the parties that have failed to comply over the last four years,” referring to the Socialist Workers Party. For its part, the PSC responds that “state investments in Catalonia have increased significantly with the socialist governments,” as Ila puts it, and I expect an increase of 40%. As for Ginz, he shares the Socialists' criticism of the Human Rights Council over the low level of investment in Catalonia, but holds the Human Rights Council responsible for not forcing the state government further in the last legislature, when that was fundamental to governance.

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Defense of Catalan

The Catalan language is always a sensitive issue in Catalan politics. The implicit agreement not to use language in political confrontations and electoral disputes has long been violated. And certainly also in the May 12 campaign The linguistic issue will be presentAlthough the ERC, Junts and PSC agreed on a legislative reform that would allow linguistic immersion in schools to be protected from the judicial attack of pro-Spanish sectors.

Aragonés: “We don't need a Moncloa delegate who leaves aside the Catalan language in favor of trilingualism”

At its last conference, the Peace and Security Council approved a presentation of the motives for the action plan Trilingual – Catalan, Spanish and English – with the aim of “nullifying language as a source of partisan conflict and identity”. It is a very similar concept to what the Citizens have used over the past decade in their campaign against the Catalans. Both the ERC and Junts argue that language policy in the General State should focus on defending and promoting Catalan as a weak language with a significant decline in its social use. Both pro-independence parties agree, but they alienate themselves Mutual criticism of each other's actions is at the forefront of linguistic policy Of generalities. Aragonés is forceful in his criticism of Ella on the issue: “We don't need a delegate from Moncloa who leaves aside the Catalan language and opts for trilingualism.”


The new index of housing rental prices in tense areas will constitute a strong confrontation between Republicans and Socialists. The ERC government will send one Request to the Socialist State Government To claim that the application of the rental price limit combines Catalan and Spanish indicators and not only the latter, which includes a scale containing a minimum and maximum index. According to sources from the state, this is the previous step to submitting an administrative dispute to the national court, if any Ministry of housing Does not respond within the estimated period. It is possible that the lawsuit will reach the doors of the election campaign scheduled for May 12.

The General State Government confirms that the fact of applying a homogeneous index to the entire State is inconsistent with the first additional provision of the same Spanish Housing Code and ensures that the combination of the two indicators would allow Make the rental price cheaper. The leftist government has led the charge and made Catalonia the only community to initiate the mechanisms set out in the new state housing law. For its part, Junts remains Against limits on rental rates Which he considers counterproductive, because according to Puigdemont's defence, this would withdraw rental apartments from the market, creating more difficulties for users in finding available apartments.

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Resolving the political conflict

Finally, although Independence will also try to reform its campaign strategy in political conflict Between Catalonia and the state, everything indicates that this is an issue that must be taken into account, but it is not as central as it has been since the 2012 parliamentary elections. The pardon will not be a subject of controversy Between the three major Catalan parties, since it arose from a tripartite agreement between the Socialists, the Catalan Reform Party and the Junts. In any case, there will be more dispute over the authorship and momentum of the law than anything else.

Peña: “The PSOE is not in any negotiations that talk about rupture, referendum and divisions.”

In this area, the confrontation will come between the three major parties with presidential aspirations in Catalonia regarding the consequences of the amnesty. For both the ERC and Junts, this law is the prior and fundamental step to dealing with unilateral dispute resolution “The Democratic Way”. ERC has raised the need for one for some time Agreed referendum Between state and state, and now Juntes also joins this proposal after advocating unilateralism during the last Spanish legislature. In agreement with the Socialist Workers' Party, Gantz stated that the referendum would be constitutional.

Controversy over possible negotiations between the ERC and the Junts with the PSOE for an agreed referendum on self-determination had already emerged in the previous campaign. Both Carles Puigdemont himself on behalf of Junts, and the Secretary General of Esquerra, Marta RoviraI confirm that in the relevant negotiations with the Socialist Workers' Party in Geneva, the agreed referendum was indeed discussed. From the Socialist Workers' Party, they categorically deny the majority: “The Socialist Workers' Party is not in any negotiations that talk about secession, referendum and divisions,” confirms the party's spokeswoman. Esther PinaThis attributes the statements regarding the Red Crescent and Juntas referendum to the electoral situation and the dispute between the Red Crescent and Juntas over dominance over independence.

The Peace and Security Council will defend the usefulness of the amnesty in order to “restore coexistence in Catalonia.” Although socialist voters are deeply divided over whether to accept an amnesty, this does not seem to affect the electoral aspirations of socialists who will bet on the Catalonia project by “Legal Development”from the statute approved in 2006 that has remained in the UCI since it was downgraded by the Constitutional Court in 2010.

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