Final Fantasy 16 won’t be an open world, a new trailer is expected in the fall –

Final Fantasy 16 won’t be an open world, a new trailer is expected in the fall –

Information continues to arrive on Final Fantasy 16 Thanks to new interviews from Naoki Yoshida, who was also the protagonist of Among the various news, there was also confirmation that the game The world will not be open And that The new trailer is scheduled to be shown in the fall of 2022.

In addition to the details that emerged from our interview with Naoki Yoshida, we learn from the confirmation of the fact that Final Fantasy 16 will not have an open world setting, focusing instead on Design based on differentiated areaswhich in any case would allow for a large scale but with more care in building different and closed environments.

It’s not yet clear how large these different areas are, but the intent is to try and offer some variety in the settings.

The idea Yoshida mentioned was to draw inspiration from recent open world productions also to attract a new audience, but build it by progressing between different settingsin order to better convey the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe trip along different places and that it was not stuck in one open place.

Given that the game world is made up of 6 kingdoms, we can probably expect a subdivision between these and different explorable regions for each, even if there are no official details about them yet.

More information about Final Fantasy 16’s world-building and the story behind the new chapter in the Square Enix series will arrive this fall, when the publisher determines new offer with trailer. Among the other information that appeared in these hours there are also details about the combat system and about Eikon, new creatures that can be summoned by fighters.

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