Ferrari avocato ‘three-seater’ is back

Ferrari avocato ‘three-seater’ is back

Private car for lawyers – Sophisticated, elegant, and distinguished by impulses that are sometimes unpredictable and never cliched. Like the man who, in 1966Aradha was unique, with three seats, with one central driving seat and a slightly forward-swinging. A solution so “unusual” that in the world of supercars it will not be seen again until 27 years after the McLaren F1. Back to enjoying the limelight, at the end of a four-year deep restoration process, the Ferrari 365B Berlinetta Special former Gianni Agnelli. Unveiled yesterday evening in the arena of the National Automobile Museum in Turin at an event organized by it kidstona Swiss brokerage famous for the sale and purchase of high-end cars, the runaway horse specially designed and equipped by Pinfinarina for the former Fiat owner will remain on display until February 18, 2023 on the first floor of the museum, narrating the mini-exhibition, with six original black and white photos blown up at the time , the link between Turin’s eccentric industry leader and one of his most creative and exclusive traveling companions.

important gift Gorgeous women, dream boats, fancy watches, overpriced villas. Then cars, of course. Better if “sewn” to measure and very fast. It is no secret that Gianni Agnelli had a heavy foot and that many, among those who knew him closely, remember him as a good driver. over there Ferrari 365B Berlinetta Special It wasn’t Avvocato’s first red, but it is undoubtedly the one that best represents his evolving taste in terms of engines. In addition to the fact that it marks a very important stage in his life: in the year in which he decided to give it to himself, 1966, Agnelli inherited from Vittorio Valletta, his historical mentor, the helm of the family empire that he would lead for a long time, before dying at the age of 81, after months of illness, in the morning January 24, 2003.

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Ferrari, what a passion – “Agnelli was madly in love with Ferraris and his choice of a dedicated car with a driver’s seat in the middle was prompted by a very specific reason,” recalls designer Leonardo Fioravanti, who at the time, in PininfarinaHe was the man Fiat’s number one pointed out to see his dreams come true on “out of print” wheels -. Once, while driving one of his Ferraris at full speed, he went off the road and crashed into a rock. The collision broke his left leg, which did not return to its previous shape and remained rigid. Driving sports cars became uncomfortable for him, but since he did not want to give up this pleasure, he asked Pininfarina to do what at that time was called a habitability study. So we studied a system with a row of Three nesting seats: the man on the left, taking turns, allowed him to stretch the injured leg without having to bend it and settle in the driver’s seat effortlessly. “But this was not the only “unusual” request of the lawyer. he have Semi-automatic gearbox Porsche Sport Automatic, which did not require the use of the clutch pedal to be activated, but this transmission caused quite a few problems, as it was designed to handle forces much lower than those found in Ferrari engines. Through some acquaintances in Germany, he also had a special glass roof built in with sun protection, so that light, not heat, would enter the passenger compartment.

Find the snow covered barn – Who is this One time exclusive Simon Kidston also has a very clear memory of a galloping horse: “I saw for the first time Ferrari 365B Berlinetta Special “Three-seater” at the age of 19, photographed in a French car magazine – says the founder of the company that bears his name and who four years ago discovered this priceless “rhinoceros”. Thirty years later, at the Cavallino Classic Concours in Palm Beach, Florida, a gentleman told me of a Ferrari I had certainly not heard of, but which was certainly worth buying for its distinction. Twelve hours later I was in Newark and saw her: she was the Dino of the largest measure, the wheel in the middle covered with snow. The person who tipped me off about the car assured me that a good service would be enough to get it back on track instead It took four years and the best Italian professionals around to restore it to its former glory. I sincerely thank them: they have brought to life a car that more than any other represents Gianni Agnelli’s symbol in the world.

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