Fedez launches the lawsuit: Jacobs risks prosecution for defamation

Fedez launches the lawsuit: Jacobs risks prosecution for defamation

A turbulent period for Fidesz. After the breakup with Chiara Ferragni, and the alleged quarrel with the personal trainer Cristiano Iovino, today there is another problem to solve on the head of the most famous rapper and businessman in Italy. A struggle that, according to the online edition of Corriere della Sera, will end up directly in court. The conflict Solferino is referring to is one with track and field champion Marcel Jacobs, which was the focus of an alleged defamation case. In fact, the Italian is in danger of being put on trial because of Dom and Annamaria Berenzaghi, the rapper’s mother.

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We must rewind the tape of time to 2021. At that time, the company “Dream of Ordinary Madness” managed the image of Jacobs, as well as that of Fedez and the footballer Zaniolo, where the Italian from Desenzano del Garda triumphed in that period, winning the gold medal in the One hundred meters and the gold medal in the relay race with other Italians. The gossip papers rushed to the news, reporting that this win would bring huge profits to the athlete. Then something happened, visions of a different business possibly being carried out. The fact is that Jacobs breached the contract with Dom, which led to a civil suit being filed against him, but the casus belli is linked to an interview conducted on January 18, 2023. “In 2018, I entrusted Fidesz. I expected that being close to him would give me a clear vision, but they did not develop A project there at all, I won in Tokyo and they wrote me 24 hours later, they were at the beach and they didn’t care.

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Fiery words, to which Fedez responded, according to tradition, by asking his lawyer to write them. Gabriele Minniti and Andrea Petrolucci obtained authorization to sue for defamation directly from Berenzaghi and Fidesz. The Brescia Public Prosecutor’s Office decided to support the defamation charge. Deputy Public Prosecutor Giovanni Tedeschi filed notice of the investigation’s conclusion on Friday. According to rumors from the Palace of Justice, the indictment request is also scheduled to be notified in the coming weeks. Just when Jacobs is in Paris to defend the gold medals he won in Tokyo.

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