“Federico Nicotera never spoke to me again, maybe it’s Carola’s fault…”

“Federico Nicotera never spoke to me again, maybe it’s Carola’s fault…”

Frederick Daenerys And Frederick Nicotera They were consorts during this edition of the throne men and women, dating show channel 5 conducted by Maria de Felipe. However, their paths were very different: the first chose to abandon the race, the second he He went out hand in hand with the suitorAnd Carola Carpanelliwhich until now coexist happily. A few months after he walked off the scene, Dainese told Blasting News how things were going, saying he was still convinced by the choice he made:

It’s been a while, but I don’t regret leaving the throne. I think my decision was the most sensible and the one I thought was the best and right one for me and the girls out there. Sadly I didn’t have such great feelings to go on, and as a result I still think I did very well.

Dainese He admitted that he kept in touch with the editorial team. Even hate against Gianni Sperti Seems to have resolved:

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