F1 – Will F1 be regionalized in response to the financial crisis?

F1 – Will F1 be regionalized in response to the financial crisis?

F1. that of budget ceiling It is a periodic letter to which other details are added from time to time. When it was assumed and operated, the international context was very different from the contemporary one. First the Covid-19 pandemic, then the military escalation in Ukraine They have brought about a massive increase in the price of items that greatly affect one of them Formula One Crushed by the cost of logistics.

The budget ceiling does not include any protection mechanism in its implementing texts. which – which”Electric ladder“It is nothing more than a simple economic instrument capable of automatically indexing expenditure levels according to the rise in prices of certain commodities in order to counteract the decline in the investment power of the stables.

This ability to allocate resources has significantly decreased due to the unprecedented levels of inflation recorded in the past two years. Even if he is a staunch defender of Spending review Like Andreas Seidl Hesitation is beginning to mean that economic indicators are far from reassuring.

Andreas Seidl, McLaren F1 Team Principal

F1. Budget cap: teams call for “escalator”

The Team Manager from McLaren Talk about unforeseen circumstances (significant increases in energy and transportation costs) that should lead to new and more reasonable solutions.

The real problem is the almost certain overrun of the investment criteria programmed for normal seasonal operation and for developments in the pipeline on individual benches. With increases, it would be impossible to do everything while staying within the limit. seld The escalator app we mentioned earlier asks: “The budget ceiling limit should be re-discussed by indexing it to the increase in the cost of living and thus inflation“.

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to WokingThanks for one MCL36 Not born well, they planned many developments that could remain in the drawers of the engineers if there was no adjustment for inflation. This is why it is important for the teams to discuss a solution to determine what requires the agreement of eight out of ten teams. A front that does not seem to exist due to the reluctance of some teams.

there FIA He is called to quickly resolve the situation. not replace Sochi GBWith the relative disappearance of the costs necessary for the Russian trip, the plaster did not cauterize the wound and the consequent bleeding.

Christian Horner, Team Principal, Oracle Red Bull Racing

F1. Horner raises the alarm: Seven teams will not compete in the last 4 races

Also for this reason choir pain Chris Horner Push like a bull to modify budget ceiling to an increase in the rate of inflation. In Great Britain, where almost all Formula 1 teams are located, the percentage has reached 7%. The Team Manager from Red Bull He fears that a large slice of the franchises (it is estimated that there may be seven) will not be able to compete in the last four races. Opposing view Otmar Szafnauer from Alps who has put himself in charge of reactionary teams that want to preserve the status quo.

Here we can get to the classical intermediate mode, at the settlement represented by FIA He thinks he can embody in granting an adjustment of expenses just to cover the increased travel costs. A necessary decision to avoid not including the extra budget allocated to cover hyperinflation in the development cycle of the car.

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F1. There is a need to restructure the foundations for responding to global crises

The GP’s bits of calendar and some flight coins are very short range containment maneuvers. Liberty Media It is aware of this and for this reason it is putting in place more effective devices to deal with a complex international scenario that is not yet showing signs of a coup.

In 2019, the American giant headed by the President John C Malone and CEO Greg Maffei He announced a plan to make Formula 1″carbon emissions“By 2030 by rationalizing the calendar. This is the primary goal but The feeling is that the real goal is to drastically reduce material handling costs because eliminating emissions completely within eight years is a utopia..

Scuderia Ferrari F1 Hospitality

Rising prices and less willingness for US property-related transfer companies are driving up prospects: Logistics first, then the environmental issue. Although an official position has not been announced for obvious opportunistic reasons.

there F1 Needs to organize a calendar by geographic area that allows a significant reduction in travel. It is not easy to reach this goal because it will be necessary to rewrite the agreements with the regulators who will have to agree on any of them with the chain leaders. It will take everyone’s effort.

If we consider 2022 We see that after launching in the Middle East, the circus Go to Australia to enter afterwards Europe and back to USA to embrace old world. This is before leaving the Canadian stage and is a prelude to his new return to Europe. Unacceptable waste of resources.

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Over the next few years, work is underway to compile the events: American racing with three races made in the USA, Canada, Mexico and Brazil. European competitions with classic dates. Middle Eastern competitions and finally Asian events that also include Baku and Australia.

An extensive rewrite contemplates good doses of ambition on which the life of Formula 1 itself will depend, and which has the desire to find additional money (by saving money) to replenish the coffers of the choked teams. This is especially if, over the years, Liberty Media He wants to reach 25 seasonal prizes. In the process, the placement of the stables is crucial, and therefore it will be necessary to persuade them by giving in to their requests. that looks legitimate.

F1 – Author: Diego CatalanoLord save her

picture: F1And Scuderia Ferrari F1, Oracle Red Bull Racing

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