Everything you need to know about the return of President Carles Puigdemont

Everything you need to know about the return of President Carles Puigdemont

President Carles Puigdemont Today, he announced in a video clip posted on social media that he had captured… Return trip to Cataloniaafter Seven years of exileThe President intends to participate in the general session of Parliament tomorrow. 10:00 He has to invest. Salvador Illa (PSC) President of the Generalitat of Catalonia. 1 hour ago at 9.00 Organizations and political parties demanding independence They prepared a procession to receive him in the park. Luis Companys from Barcelonaat the Arc de Triomphe, near the Parliament.

Puigdemont faces a Arrest warrant from Judge Pablo LarenaFrom the Spanish Supreme Court, which refuses to grant him amnesty for the embezzlement he is being tried for, despite the amnesty law. This means that the police can arrest him if they find him.

Mossos d’Esquadra organized a Extensive police presence in parliamentThey have reinforced what is available every time there is an inauguration with the expectation that Puigdemont will be able to access it, something the Mossos family wants to prevent. Now, what if the president manages to enter Parliament without being arrested? And if they arrest him, what could happen? What is the focus of the reception that has been prepared? We tell you everything you need to know about President Puigdemont’s return.

Receiving focus

The pro-independence movement prepared to welcome President Puigdemont with a unity march on Barcelona’s Passeig de Lluís Companys. The action was called by Council of the RepublicforCatalan National Assembly (African National Congress), Omnium Culturalthe Defense Committees of the Republic (CDR), forLeague of Municipalities for Independence (AMI) No InterunionTogether for Catalonia, there will also be ERC, CUP and Poble Lliure. The reception will take place at 9.00, although participants have been asked to be there an hour before.

large-scale security operation

Mossos d’Esquadra has designed one. Large-scale security in Ciutadella Park For the plenum of Salvador Illa’s inauguration. It’s always special when there are important investment sessions or public sessions, but this time there is It was reinforced by expectations of President Puigdemont’s return.intending to reach the House of Representatives to participate in the general session, Something the obsessive wants to prevent.

The police will close the park and restrict entry to anyone not authorized with the clear goal of: Locate and arrest the presidentThe Mossos d’Esquadra will also deploy riot police in anticipation of the two opposing gatherings regarding the arrest of President Puigdemont. On the one hand, the reception was concentrated in the Paseo de Luis. On the other hand, the Vox party and pro-Spanish entities promoted.

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The Mossos d’Esquadra province has not moved. No instructions for agents On how to act in the event of the presence of the President. In mid-June, when the amnesty law was passed, the Chief Commissioner of the Corps said, Edward SalientSend a circular to the agents indicating that in case of doubts as to whether any action is included in the amnesty law or not, they should go to the governorate to conduct the relevant investigations and resolve them.

Mossos d'Esquadra patrol the Ciutadella Park, near the Parliament of Catalonia.
Mossos de Esquadra patrols Ciutadella Park (Photo: Julia Bartal).

What if the police arrest the president?

Puigdemont faces an arrest warrant issued by Judge Pablo Larena. He refuses to pardon him.Or for the crime of embezzlement, which he is being prosecuted for despite the application of the amnesty law. It is possible for the arrest to be made by any police force, but it is also It is expected to be done by Musa. If it is near parliament. It all depends on the circumstances, place and time. Because strong mobilization for independence can also make it difficult..

In the event of arrest, according to the law, clients must be guided by Matching, opportunity and proportionality criteria. he Code of Ethics at Mossos d’Esquadra It develops the working principles already mentioned in the Spanish law on State Security Forces and Bodies. The text explains that agents will have to assess the coexistence at the right time and in the right place so as not to cause “more serious damage than was intended to be avoided”, and that it is necessary to “adapt and apply the progressive use of force or means of defence depending on the type and intensity of the aggression to be neutralised”.

The final decision will be In the hands of Salent and the management of Mossos. And this is in the event that the Catalan police move, because Civil Guard that day Spanish police They can also participate, with the encouragement of Judge Larina.

In the event of arrest, Puigdemont would be It was transferred to the party’s judicial custody court. From the closest and in the case of Barcelona it is City of JusticeThe duty judge will report the arrest to Spanish Supreme Court (TS). Larina will have to decide whether or not to do it. Testifying via video conference, If he calls him another day Or if he did Move to Madrid immediately.

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Puigdemont is expected to present one. Issuing a warrant To the duty judge, who will have to review it immediately, and in any case before twenty-four hours. It is a procedure through which you can claim that you are the victim of illegal detention, and the judge who detained you must review the conditions of detention and whether it complies with the law.

Puigdemont can claim The judge who issued the order is not competent. He cannot do that, especially since there is a Spanish law in force that states that the arrest warrant should have been lifted, and yet it remains in force; that the law has been violated and that fundamental rights are being violated…

What would happen in parliament if President Puigdemont was arrested?

If the police arrest Carles Puigdemont, the president of parliament, Joseph RollThe general session will be suspended. The PSC, ERC and the Commons have already said that they do not want to extend the investment period until August 26It is the deadline for Ella’s inauguration.

“I cannot accept that the plenary session proceeds normally,” said Roll in an interview with VilaWeb. “If President Puigdemont is arrested, which means that a deputy is arrested while exercising his duties, and with such a sublime debate, we must adjourn the plenary session. Because my role is to guarantee the rights of all deputies. In this case, the deputy who will be deprived of his freedom, but also the candidate for inauguration, Salvador Illa, has the right to face a full debate in which he can confront his political programme with all the leaders elected by the people of Catalonia.”

What if Puigdemont manages to reach parliament?

There is another possibility: that President Puigdemont will succeed in this.Entering Parliament without being arrestedIn this case, it will be more complicated for the police, because The building is sacred.as defined by Room Security Protocolapproved in August 2017.

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Now, what would happen if agents of a security agency or force came to Parliament to arrest Puigdemont? As VilaWeb progresses, the security protocol states that Rull must be informed whether or not to allow entry.

First, the agents will have to identify themselves to the Mossos d’Esquadra appointed by Parliament; the guard responsible for identification and the security officer will have to intervene, who will have to request the judicial decision from the agents. The head of the Department of Infrastructure, Equipment and Security will have to assist the Secretary General of the Chamber, who will have to inform the President of the Chamber of Deputies whether or not to allow the agents to enter the building.

The protocol includes a Legal Notes Which warns that regional deputies enjoy partial immunity. They can only be arrested “in the event of a flagrant crime”. For this reason, it says: “The police’s claim to enter to exercise the arrest of the deputy cannot be accepted”. There is another exception: yes, the deputy can be arrested if the competent court approves the provisional detention and the order is not obeyed voluntarily. But Puigdemont’s situation will not be free of any of these things.

General Investment Session scheduled for 10.00

General Assembly of Inauguration It will start tomorrow at 10.00. The session will begin with the intervention of presidential candidate Salvador Illa, which has no time limit. At the end, the plenary session will be suspended so that the parliamentary groups can prepare their responses. Each speaker may speak for a maximum of thirty minutes. Illa can create the replica one by one or jointly.

When the discussion is over, a first vote will be taken, where Ella will need to vote in favor. 68 deputiesBarring any unforeseen circumstances, Illa has secured her own seat, as the ERC and the House of Commons will vote for her. If she is not elected on the first ballot, a second ballot will be held forty-eight hours later, in which case she will only need a simple majority, that is, more votes in favor than against. If all goes as planned, the investiture debate will last only one day.

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