Elisa Eswardi, goodbye to Grandma Lucrezia on Instagram

Elisa Eswardi, goodbye to Grandma Lucrezia on Instagram

Elisa IswardI bid her grandmother Lucrezia’s farewell through an Instagram post, and immediately receive heartfelt condolences from fans, friends and colleagues: the presenter, who has always been associated with Memè, as she called her, posted a very beautiful photo of them smiling together and embracing.

Elisa Eswardi, post on Instagram

Presenter Elisa Eswardi He announced the death of his beloved grandmother Lucrezia via a cute post on her Instagram profile. Very few and simple words, but they tell us the love life between a grandmother and a granddaughter.

Hello Mimi, GrandmaHe also wrote as he posts two photos: in the first you can see their hands intertwined, while in the second they appear together, smiling and hugging in front of the camera.

Many messages of condolence to her and all her family members for the loss of the woman, and The Presenter slowly responds to each of the comments as a thank you for being so close.

Elisa Iswardi and Grandma’s Love Mimi

Elisa isoardese It’s not just the strong and brave woman we’ve seen on TV, especially on the occasion of her participation inFamous Island; On Instagram, he is also keen to show another part of himself, which is part daughter and granddaughter loves his family. Especially his grandmother Lucrezia.

In fact, it was in October 2021, when the presenter posted two photos with her cute grandmother on her social profile, telling them all the love he feels for her and the difficulty of not being able to always see her as she loves.

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“Mimi, I’ve been calling her this since I was little, Grandma Lucrezia,” these are the first words of a long-standing message. “Every time I see her I realize how much I’m sorry I couldn’t make more time for herFortunately to be able to speak to her again and to see in her eyes the same light and strength as I see myself. Grandparents leave an imprint on our soul for life. He concluded by thanking everyone who cares about the elderly.

A pastry tray and a visit to her dear grandmother in the nursing home: a symbol of great simplicity and a big heart, despite the various commitments that took her further than usual.

Isawardi’s TV commitments

In fact, from 2018 to 2020, the presenter shared Ray Ono with chef test But not only. In 2020 participate as a competitor in Dancing with the stars, proving that he is a very good dancer and a likable presenter; And it doesn’t end here, because the following year she embarked on an adventureFamous Islandwhere she was able to put all comfort aside to face all the unpredictability of nature, though it was at the time Forced to retire due to injury.

After a long period of absence as a presenter, but precisely two years after the end of chef testCurrently Elisa Iswardi is back on TV From Sunday 11 September with I would like to tell you that, the new program on Rai 2; A new challenge, which he will definitely be able to win.

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