The region, basic sciences to face crises and future challenges

The region, basic sciences to face crises and future challenges

Trieste, September 13 – The recent global economic crises have underscored how science, technological development, innovation and inter-enterprise collaboration are the fundamental foundations of our society.

This is the concept expressed by the Regional Environmental Adviser who spoke today at the Trieste Next 2022 presentation scheduled for September 22-24. Also an event promoted by the region entitled “The Frontiers of Science. Innovation and Research: Ethical Frontiers and New Frontiers”.

Bringing the greetings of the governor of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, the advocate of the Gonta noted that only yesterday the region identified an important strategic project for the vast area of ​​the upper Adriatic. The Cross-Border Hydrogen Valley in the North Adriatic is actually an initiative that sees our region, Slovenia and Croatia closely collaborating to find immediate solutions to the current energy emergency and to prevent other crises thanks to the use of green hydrogen and renewable energy sources. Opportunities that only a few years ago seemed like science fiction.

Science, like hydrogen, is a powerful fuel for the growth of our society and economies, but above all, the commissioner added, makes our business competitive with those who, in other parts of the world, can enjoy better taxation and benefit from different environmental sensitivities.

For the Regional CEO Foundations, Trieste Next is an event of increasing international scope capable of raising awareness of the work and projects of scientists, researchers, universities, institutions and science parks that provide important economic benefits to Trieste and the whole. Friuli Venezia Giulia.

Moreover, as the Commissioner pointed out, many of the activities of this event are aimed at young people and young adults, who are the true heroes of the cultural revolution we are going through. It is essential for the future of our country that new generations immediately participate in scientific and environmental education courses to train future professionals over time.

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The Trieste City of Knowledge Project, the network that unifies Trieste’s research realities and promotes dialogue between science and citizens, Trieste.Next boasts among its promoters the Municipality of Trieste, the University of Trieste, Italepost, the region’s science park, and the Science Center. Immaginario Scientifico, the National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics (OGS) and the International Graduate School of Advanced Studies (Sissa). ARC / RT / Today

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