Electronic festivals at Montjuïc Castle cancelled

Electronic festivals at Montjuïc Castle cancelled

to’town hall From Barcelona He decided Cancel·lar With immediate effect all Electronic music events Which was already scheduled Montjuïc Castle And that they will continue until 3am. The decision was taken this week after assessing the “unsatisfactory” outcome of the music sessions hosted by the cultural venue at night since the beginning of the year.

Violations in security and cleaning

According to municipal sources, these shows have not been programmed directly beforeBarcelona Institute of Culture (ICUB) but is managed by individuals who rent the space. ICUB explains that breaches of contract were discovered in relation to Security and hygieneThis led to Montjuïc Castle terminating the contract with the show’s promoter Dream Festival. On the other hand, ICUB claims that the programmed music in the castle was not later than 3am, as some neighbors had complained.

Somni Festival is still being advertised on the networks.

Until October, there were several events scheduled for the Somni Festival. The first was planned for this Saturday 29 June. In fact, in social networks The festival continues The event has been announced and ticket sales are still active. Petev contacted the festival but did not receive a response.

Electronic music until dawn

It has been announced that electronic music shows will be suspended Public Sec Neighborhood Council Which was established a few days ago and in response to complaints submitted by some residents who had previously expressed themselves against it Music festivals Electronics manufactured in Montjuïc Castle that did not allow them to sleep, they say, until 6 amAnd one Excessive volume.

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One of the activities that bothered them the most, according to the neighborhood, was Sumney outdoors in the castle. As he explained Director of Saints Montjuïc,Africa Cardona,Council and Local police They monitored the sessions held so far and noted that they did not develop as agreed.

Despite this suspension, Montjuïc Castle will continue to host Normal life Rest of the planned activities Music, theater and dance.

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