Electric Sharing ‘Bite off more than you can chew’: Why is everyone closing down?

Electric Sharing ‘Bite off more than you can chew’: Why is everyone closing down?

The electric road system faces quite a number of problems and now there are accusations that will definitely not satisfy.

The future of mobility is seeing a series of amazing changes, to say the least, and this is not only notable given that many cars and motorcycles are now electric. Even the means by which you can travel on the street are increasing dramatically, with scooters and bicycles E-bikes Which has become known and appreciated.

Electrical sharing, unexpected problems (Canva – derapate.it)

However, what is also worth analyzing is the traffic-related fact that motorists are no longer just looking to buy a car, but opportunities mean that leasing is becoming increasingly popular. There are many who go for the long term, taking into account all the incentives in the payments.

Most people nowadays decide to take out a loan or mortgage to buy their car, but the installments only include paying for the car. With the Long term rental Instead you will be able to pay taxes and also obtain insurance, road tax and possible repairs from a mechanic.

That’s why in big cities there are many related initiatives as well Scooter sharing. In fact, it is the possibility of renting an electric scooter even for a short time and thus roaming the city streets without having to pollute. In Milan there are many companies that have opened this activity, but the results are struggling to take off.

Scooter sharing problems: here’s what’s happening in Milan

This explains how the problem of scooter sharing has become increasingly apparent Enrico Pascarellaboss coltra, Which remained the only bulwark between the facts that A Milan They gave life to the electric scooter rental system. In his view, in fact, not long ago what could technically be defined as a “speculative bubble” burst.

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Scooter sharing (Ansa – derapate.it)

In fact, everyone was convinced that this would be a simple way to make profits and the future could be bright, but excessive competition led to many failures. You can also see this when they had to close their doors in Milan Car2Go and drive nowFacts related to Daimler and BMW.

The same applies to electric scooters, although in this case the numbers are a little more comfortable. Of the twenty companies that initially decided to venture into the world of scooter rentals, only seven remain now, but their number is far greater than the reality of scooter sharing.

According to Pascarella’s words in an interview with Corriere della Sera, it is a market that is still too innovative to really be recognized. That is why many decide to get into it, the demand for it is very high, but there is no such experience in this field that still allows making profits. Pascarella He knows very well that profits today are limited, but the market is clearly growing, with demand constantly increasing.

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