Doctors recommend avoiding kissing and staying at home to deal with the influenza epidemic

Doctors recommend avoiding kissing and staying at home to deal with the influenza epidemic

During the Christmas holidays, Catalonia is experiencing an epidemic of respiratory diseaseswith a sharp rise in Influenza and Covid cases that have overwhelmed the capacity of health centres. Data from the latest weekly update of the Information System for Infection Surveillance of Catalonia (SIVIC) indicate that the upward trend of the pandemic wave of influenza and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) continues, while the incidence of Covid is stabilizing, with the decline in hospital-related income stabilizing. Infections rise from 68,019 cases in the previous week (December 11 to 17) to 71,674 cases Of the last fees are 909 affected people per 100,000 people. Influenza is the most common infection. Between December 18 and 24, 10,077 cases of influenza were recorded, compared to 7,117 cases the previous week, especially among children.

A new type of Covid

In addition, the World Health Organization has classified one of them A new version of the Corona virus, JN.1, as an alternative to the interest in “rapid increase in expansion”. The World Health Organization notes that with the arrival of winter in the Northern Hemisphere, JN.1 could increase the burden of respiratory infections in many countries, but the risk to global public health is currently considered “low” according to available data. Therefore, he adds, vaccines continue to protect against serious forms of the disease for this variant and other circulating diseases. It is a variant that, although more contagious, experts stress that clinically it does not appear to carry a greater risk.

The Ten Commandments of Medical Recommendations

Despite the outbreak of the epidemic, the Ministry of Health ensures the continuation of normal activity in medical care centers despite the pressure on care, as stated in a statement issued this week, in which they pointed out that the situation is considered normal for the epidemic winter season. That is why he wanted to convey a message of reassurance and calm to the public. However, in this panoramic image, the Spanish Society of Urgent and Emergency Medicine (SEMES) has published a set of recommendations to follow this Christmas holiday and deal with the rise in respiratory diseases:

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  1. Wash your hands frequently: With plenty of soap and water, scrub hands and wash each finger.
  2. Cover your mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing: With the inside of the elbow or with a handkerchief, not with the hand.
  3. Use disposable tissues: Try to throw it in the trash after each use, and once used, avoid keeping it in your pockets or leaving it on the table or bedside table.
  4. Avoid kissing and close contact: Also do not share glasses, cutlery, napkins, or objects that have come into contact with saliva or secretions.
  5. Plenty of clean: Especially if there is someone in the home with the flu, clean all shared surfaces (tables, doorknobs, etc.) with products commonly used in the home. Also ventilate rooms by opening windows.
  6. Healthy lifestyleTry to sleep well, follow a healthy diet, drink water, and be physically active. Avoid alcohol and tobacco. The body's response to the disease will be better.
  7. Use a mask (In some cases): With sick people in closed or unventilated areas or if they are caregivers to an infected person.
  8. vaccination: Influenza vaccination is recommended for people at risk (those with chronic diseases, obesity, over 65 years of age, sick children, or health care workers).
  9. staying at home: If you have symptoms of respiratory illness. The virus can be transmitted from one day before symptoms appear to seven days afterward, especially in the first three days.
  10. Consult health professionals

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