Do you keep forgetting your Wi-Fi password? Two steps to find it on your computer in an instant

Do you keep forgetting your Wi-Fi password?  Two steps to find it on your computer in an instant

To find Wi-Fi passwords on your computer, there are simple and effective methods, but they are completely different from Mac to Windows.

In an increasingly connected world, Wi-Fi has become an essential component of our daily lives. Work, study and entertainment: everything goes through a stable and fast Internet connection. but, Managing access passwords can turn into a real headacheespecially when you use different networks or change your password frequently for security reasons.

Do you keep forgetting your Wi-Fi password?  Two steps to find it on your computer in an instantManaging Wi-Fi passwords can be complicated, but there are simple ways to recover them on your computer –

How often do you find yourself in front of your device unable to connect because you forgot your Wi-Fi access key? If you are also part of the club of those who have difficulty remembering these alphanumeric sequences, don't worry. There is no need to reset your modem or contact technical support.

With a few simple steps, it is possible Password recovery The Wi-Fi network stored on your computer, whether you're using Windows or MacOS. This handy guide will show you how to do it, ensuring you'll be back online in no time.

Password recovery: Different methods on MacOS and Windows

MacOS stores all passwords, including login details for Wi-Fi networks, within an app called Keychain accessOr a system keyring designed by Apple to make it easier to manage security credentials. To access this information, Simply open the program using the search function.

How to see wifi password on Mac or Windows
Windows allows you to recover the password for the currently connected Wi-Fi network through the Network and Sharing Center –

Once Keychain Access is open, follow these steps:

  1. He chooses “System” Under Enter System Keys in the sidebar.
  2. Click “Password” at the top of the window.
  3. Find the Wi-Fi network whose password you need and double-click on it.
  4. Check the option “Show password“And enter your Mac password when prompted.
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In seconds, you'll have access to the Wi-Fi password you need, ready to copy or simply view. The process of recovering Wi-Fi passwords on a computer Windows It's just simple but demanding Some extra steps compared to MacOS. To get started, here's how to find the password for the network you're currently connected to:

  1. go to “control Board“, then “Network and Internet“And after that”Network and Sharing Center“.
  2. Click on the name of your Wi-Fi network shown in it blue.
  3. On the Wi-Fi status page, selectWireless featuresThen the “Security” tab.
  4. activation “Show charactersTo see the password displayed above it.

With these simple instructions in mind, connect to Wi-Fi networks using a new device and share the password with guests There won't be any hassles.

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