Dennis Rodman and the Science of Throwback

Dennis Rodman and the Science of Throwback

Isiah Thomas explains how Dennis Rodman’s “scientist” meticulously studied the bounces

This content is taken from an article by Gautam Varier for Vanishing worldhas been translated into Italian by the Around the Game editorial staff for Around the Game.

Dennis Rodman He was undoubtedly one of the best rebounders in NBA history, which is incredible considering he’s just over six feet tall.

Numbers on his side, testimonials too. He was one of the first players who could admire Rodman’s amazing skill Isiah Thomasat that time as a member of the acting team Detroit Pistons.

During an appearance on the All the Smoke Podcast, Thomas revealed how Rodman mastered the rebound:

I haven’t seen anyone scientifically study bounce like Dennis Rodman did. Before the first few games, we were shooting stops under iron. Usually, you do a few stretches to warm up and then start with some pull-ups. When we started pulling he would stop. So I once asked him “What are you doing? Come on the line” and he’s “No, I’m counting”

I asked again “what are you doing?” He replied, “I count, I count the spins of the ball. When you make a shot, the ball spins three times. When Joe Dumars rolls he sometimes rolls four times.”

That boy was counting every player’s soccer tournaments. He knew how long the ball would be in the air, how many times it would spin, and where it would bounce. I’ve never seen anyone like him. He was really a genius. Dennis Rodman was a basketball genius

This amazing knowledge allowed Rodman to lead the league in rebounding for seven consecutive seasons, from 1991 to 1998.

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Perhaps, we should keep in mind some time.

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