Daniele Dal Moro to Antonella Fiordelesi: “I didn’t see you being stupid with Antonino” – Big Brother VIP

Daniele Dal Moro to Antonella Fiordelesi: “I didn’t see you being stupid with Antonino” – Big Brother VIP
Antonella at odds with Edward and does nothing but express his disappointment to several of the housemates.

Found herself in the kitchen with Danielthe influencer tells the boy that she is very disappointed with her boyfriend’s behaviour.

He really finds it so touching, he lets his friends lure him away. He spends all day with them and then joins her at night in bed and turns. The cute boy who cuddles with her under the covers during the day does not exist and she is sure that the people she associates with have a strong influence on him.

don’t trust any of them, Nicole Including. Note that the girl is often about Eduardo: “Who knows what to say!She comments annoyed. “The worst thing is to have a man in love with you who gets into other people’s troubles.” Antonella continues not to hide her regret.

VIP is so disappointed in her boyfriend that she decides not to sleep with him anymore. Eduardo really exaggerates with words and his only defense is Antonella’s behavior with Antonino over a month ago. After all, he didn’t betray him, the VIP’s resentment is really excessive.

Did you have an interest in Antonino?Asked Nikita Interfering with the discussion. Without thinking twice, the girl replies in the negative.

Also for Danielle, Edoardo takes a long time with Antonino’s story. Antonella is a cheerful woman, who is now clearly provocative on purpose, so it doesn’t make sense to always ask the same questions.

In short, it is not clear if the Donnalisis will be able to find peace, but one thing is certain: Edoardo, at least tonight, you’d better find another bed!

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