Covid, 527 dead in Germany: This hasn’t happened much since February 12. Vaccination card for discos and major events arrives in Great Britain

Covid, 527 dead in Germany: This hasn’t happened much since February 12.  Vaccination card for discos and major events arrives in Great Britain

The death records in Covid in Germany For 10 months, while in Great Britain is first Boris Johnson Announcing the introduction of a series of new restrictions to stop the spread of the variant Omicron: The main thing is to enter the vaccination card for discos and major events. The government decided to implement the so-called “Plan B” From its strategy, in view of the greater transmissibility that emerged from the first analyzes on the new variable. Measures provide for vaccination green corridor to enter into discos NS Places Where large groups of people gather: The commitment is triggered, Johnson explained, in “enclosed spaces with no seating more than 500 people and in outdoor spaces with seating and more than 4,000 people, as well as anywhere with more than 10,000 people.” Furthermore, Plan B provides for a return to the widespread reference to Work from home and extend the use of mask for most closed places, including cinemas and theatres.

Meanwhile, from South Africa The first assessment arrives at the effect of the variable: even if it will take a few weeks to get a definitive statement, according to researchers Medical Research Council Early data shows that it could be More contagious but less severe. Indeed, we note “there is no significant increase in hospital deaths in relation to the dramatic increase in the case rate in Gauteng Province as a whole”. However, they warn that this may be due to the “usual delay between cases and deaths. The trend will become clearer in the coming weeks.” Certainly, it may reflect the higher percentage of adult patients – according to research published in early December – and the increase in the number of hospital admissions among children aged 0-9 years. Higher transmission rates Compared to previous variables Which does not translate into higher hospitalization rates For the initial diagnosis of Covid.

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Returning to European data, Germany scored 527 deaths in the last 24 hours. highest number From February 12th. This brings the total number of victims to 104,047. Yet he is slow down the rate of infection The number of weekly cases decreased from 432 to 427 infections per 100,000 inhabitants. Since then, 69,000 new cases have been recorded Robert Koch Institute. The new advisor Olaf Schulz Meanwhile, the epidemiologist has chosen a Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach Who will be called to terminate the commitment Vaccination against covid For all health workers, including helping the elderly, and giving indications in the parliamentary debate on the possibility of a Extended commitment for all citizens.

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