Ukraine, live coverage – media: “Moscow used a new 1.5-ton bomb.” Kyiv: Moscow without resources by the end of spring

Ukraine, live coverage – media: “Moscow used a new 1.5-ton bomb.”  Kyiv: Moscow without resources by the end of spring

Ukrainian soldiers to Bakhmut: “We do not receive support”

“Unprepared and poorly trained Ukrainian battalions were thrown into a meat grinder on the front lines of Bakhmut to survive with little support from armored vehicles, mortars, artillery, drones and tactical intelligence.” This was written by the Kiev Independent, citing testimonies of Ukrainian soldiers involved in the defense of the main city of Donetsk.
“We are not receiving any support,” said Serhiy, a soldier who fought on the front lines in Bakhmut, in an interview with the online portal in the nearby town of Kostyantinivka. Along with another soldier, they deplored how “Russian artillery, infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers are often left battering Ukrainian positions for hours or days without being pinned down by Ukrainian heavy weapons”. Writes the Kyiv Independent. “Some complained of poor coordination and situational awareness, which allowed this to happen or made things worse. Mortars reported severe shortages of ammunition and having to use weapons dating back to World War II,” the article notes. “Drones that are supposed to provide reconnaissance information are also in short supply, and are lost at very high rates in certain parts of the battlefield. All of this leads to a terrifying casualty of killed and wounded.” “The battalion arrived in mid-December… Of all the different platoons, we were 500,” says Boris, a military medic fighting around Bakhmut. “A month ago there were 150 people.” Another soldier says, “When you get out, there isn’t even a 50% chance of getting out (alive).” “It’s more like 30/70.” “The office of the President of Ukraine said that Russia may have lost tens of thousands of men during the Battle of Bakhmut in mid-January,” but “based on the testimonies of the soldiers, Ukrainian losses appear to be high as well,” writes the Kiev Independent.

Schultz: Moscow’s withdrawal of forces is the basis for negotiations

In my opinion, it is necessary for Putin to understand that he will not succeed in his conquest and imperialist aggression, and that he must withdraw his forces. This is the basis for negotiations.” German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said so in an interview that aired Sunday on CNN. While acknowledging the massive devastation caused by the war, Schulz also said he would not force Ukrainians to make uncomfortable concessions: “Without the Ukrainians, there will be no There are solutions.” According to the German chancellor, Russian President Vladimir Putin misjudged Ukraine’s strength, as well as the unity of all Ukraine’s friends in resisting the Russian invasion: “It is clear: we will continue to support Ukraine with financial and humanitarian aid and even weapons.”

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Kiev: “Russians add teenagers from Luhansk to military records”

Boys born in 2006 in the Russian-occupied Luhansk Oblast of Ukraine are being registered in the military registry by the pro-Russian authorities, in preparation for their future mobilization. This was reported by the Lugansk Regional Military Administration on Telegram. Military registration is already working. By March 31, they must find and register male citizens born in 2006,” wrote the Ukrainian authorities, “those who can be sent to the front next year instead of the regular Russian army.” In addition, the pro-Russian authorities continue to recruit elderly people To fight against the Ukrainian forces, and intensified search activities for those who deserted from conscription, who will be arrested and immediately transferred to conscription points.

Kiev: “Hell is in Bakhmut, but we resist”

Kiev continues to control a major route in and out of Bakhmut, which the Russians have besieged for weeks. “The Bakhmut-Kostyantinivka highway is maintained by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, it is quite stable,” said Volodymyr Nazarenko, deputy commander of the National Guard. “The situation around Bakhmut and its surroundings is very similar to hell, as it is on the Eastern Front.” the whole.” Nazarenko also said that there are no “tactical changes” on the Ukrainian side: “The enemy is looking for weaknesses, trying to distract our forces with fighting, pushing our reserves away, trying to combine different methods and tactics. But he fails.”

Kyiv: $47 billion environmental damage

Not only death and destruction: the war in Ukraine would also have produced some $47 billion in environmental damage. The study, quoted by Ukrinform, was conducted by Ukraine’s Ministry of Environmental Protection using seven types of indicators: “These are land, air and water pollution, burned forests, and destroyed natural resources,” said Ukrainian Minister Ruslan Strelets. “Our goal,” Strelets explained, “is to show all these indicators, so that they can be seen in Europe and in the world, and that everyone understands the price of this ecological damage to Ukraine.” According to the Minister of Environmental Protection, about 3 million hectares of Ukrainian forests have been damaged as a result of Russia’s armed aggression, which is nearly a third of the country’s forest area. About 500,000 hectares of forest are now temporarily occupied by the Russians or located within combat zones. Ten Ukrainian national parks, eight nature reserves, and two nature reserves remain under Russian occupation. A total of 600 animal and 750 plant species are endangered.

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Von der Leyen: Putin has failed to achieve the basic objectives

Putin has failed to achieve his primary goals. This was stated by the President of the European Union Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, in Meseberg, near Berlin, together with Chancellor Olaf Scholz. He wanted to replace the Ukrainian government with a pro-Russian government. He wanted to prevent Ukraine from joining the European Union, and now Ukraine is a candidate for membership in the European Union. He believed that he could divide the European Union due to the energy crisis, and today energy dependence in Russia is a thing of the past.

Kyiv: Moscow without resources by the end of spring

The Russian economy will not be able to withstand the war of aggression in Ukraine after the next three months. This was reported by Ukrinform, citing the head of Ukraine’s military intelligence, Kirillo Budanov: “Russia has wasted huge amounts of human resources, weapons and materials, and its economy and production are not able to cover these losses.” Furthermore, Budanov adds, Moscow has “changed its military chain of command: if the Russian army fails to achieve its objectives this spring, it will run out of tools of war.”

Ankara: We are working to extend the wheat agreement

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said that Turkey is working hard to renew the Black Sea wheat deal.
The initiative, which was brokered by the United Nations and Turkey last July, allowed the export of grain from three Ukrainian ports. The deal was extended in November and will expire on March 18, unless an extension is agreed. “We are working hard for the proper implementation and expansion of the Black Sea Grain Agreement,” Cavusoglu said. Earlier this week, Russia said it would only agree to extend the wheat deal if the interests of agricultural producers were taken into account.

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Kyiv: “the first step to the criminal court”

“The first step towards the court. Ukraine, the Baltic states, Poland, Romania and Slovakia have signed an initiative agreement to create a special center for the crime of aggression in the Russian Federation. This is the formalization of a mandatory criminal procedure. Then the countries will become part of the special court. The perpetrators of the war, including Putin, will receive Provisions “,” This was written in a tweet by Mykhailo Podolak, advisor to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Brit 007: “The Russians attack with guns and pickaxes”

The Russian command continues to insist on offensive operations, which lead to close combat with participationFor the poorly equipped Moscow infantry: wrote the British Ministry of Defense in its daily intelligence update. Specifically, reads the report posted on Twitter, late last month Russian reservists massed said they had been ordered to storm a Ukrainian concrete stronghold armed only with “Firearms and shovelsMost likely, the ministry comments, these are excavation tools that were also used by Russian soldiers fist fight Trench tool lethality MPL-50 (50 cm shovel) particularly legendary supplied in Russia, the London experts recall, adding that this tool has undergone only a few modifications since its design in 1869 and its continued use as a weapon highlights the savage combat and low technology that characterized much of the conflict. Recent data points to an increase in close quarters fighting in Ukraine, the report concludes, noting that this likely stems from the fact that the Russian leadership continues to insist on offensive action consisting largely of infantry on foot, with less artillery fire support because Moscow Ammunition is low.

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