CMA publishes a competitor’s response in favor of acquisition –

CMA publishes a competitor’s response in favor of acquisition –

Study work continuesMicrosoft’s acquisition of Activision Blizzard In the British Antitrust, or CMA, recently published response from a competitor Who sided clearly in favor of the process.

At this point, the antitrust receives responses from various players in the gaming market who can express their opinions on the takeover, such as comments that cm extension will be taken into account for case analysis. The last document, which you can find in full at this is the address (in PDF) It comes from an undisclosed source but identified as “Market Participant A”, which could potentially be a publisher or development team, if not a hardware manufacturer.

What emerges from the document is a clear statement in favor of the acquisition of Activision Blizzard, which is positive to increase competition and increase the quality available to users. It should be noted, however, that the document addresses the Capital Market Authority directly, calling it to duty Consumer protection And “not just maintain the status quo to competitors” with a great deal of wax.

“While many concerns have been raised, particularly by Sony, the CMA’s priority should be protecting consumers and not maintaining the status quo for competitors,” the document reads. “It’s understandable that Sony wants to maintain its position given the investment and energy it put into creating it, but the landscape is changing given the widespread adoption of subscription services and cloud-based platforms in other industries as well.” “This has lowered barriers to entry, and these innovations have enabled consumers to find new ways to access and pay for content, as well as expand them without sacrificing quality.”

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The response of this obscure competitor is focused above all on a vision of a technological future, increasingly dependent on services, whose acquisition of Activision Blizzard by Microsoft translates into More benefits for users.

“We believe that Microsoft wants to spread innovation and set the pace towards subscription services and cloud gaming. It is not surprising that a technology company sees the direction in which the market is moving. On the contrary, Sony seems to view the transaction from the point of view of the hardware company, without taking into account future developments in the industry. stated in the document.

“There is no evidence to suggest that this deal will prevent Sony or any other competitor from being competitive in the subscription or cloud gaming market. Barriers to entry are low, the market is very dynamic and new competition can emerge through innovations and original content, all of which are beneficial to consumers.”

A new Microsoft meeting with the British antitrust is scheduled for this week to discuss the acquisition again, while among the latest news has emerged the possibility that the company has proposed to Sony to bring the Call of Duty series to PlayStation Plus.

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