Climbing can turn into a real addiction, according to science

Climbing can turn into a real addiction, according to science

From that need to get to the top, the so-called “need for the top”, We talked about this recently with neuroscience graduate psychologist Graziano Gigante. Recently in a study by the University of Innsbruck Medical School, which you can find published on Pubmed, we asked if mountain sports could create Real addiction, stronger than usual sensations of well-being, happiness and contentment. To find out, the researchers, led by psychiatrist and neurologist Katharina Höfner, surveyed 335 mountaineers, 88 of whom were rated as Addicted to the mountain.

But what does “anesthesia in the mountains” mean? Professor Hofner explains this herself, saying that these people’s lives centered on mountaineering They neglect other areas of life, such as family, friendships and work. Even when they can’t satisfy the craving for frequent mountain experiences, they are there Withdrawal symptoms. However, it is not just a question of frequency, but of dependency, as such, It does not help the individual that in order to satisfy his need he often becomes unable to say no When subjective circumstances, such as an accident, or objective circumstances, such as weather conditions, desire it, and in this way one exposes oneself to dangers.

Another interesting fact emerges from the study: 88 individuals diagnosed with this addiction also show Significantly higher levels of interpersonal stress, symptoms of anxiety and depression, eating disorders and other addictions Like alcohol or drug addiction. However, we need to understand which disorder came first. “it’s a It is possible for mountaineers with depression or alcoholism to use mountaineering as a form of “self-medication.” Perhaps they benefit from the positive effects of mountaineering on mood and physical well-being, sometimes going overboard in the process – Professor Hofner explained -. We’ve seen that “mountain junkies” seek meaning in this activity more than other climbers. They like to be independent, make their own decisions, have a high level of self-control, and thus feel more psychologically stable. Looking at the peak, the problems in the valley are a bit smaller“.

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So what needs to be done to avoid turning from mountain lovers into real drug addicts? Definitely don’t give up, because I am Benefits of being active in nature They are great for prevention and treatment diseases Mental and physical. As always, balance is essential in life.

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