Cesare Cremonini, the new friend is the journalist Giorgia Cardinaletti. “Love Born After an Interview”

Cesare Cremonini, the new friend is the journalist Giorgia Cardinaletti.  “Love Born After an Interview”

It seems that there are no more doubts now: Cesare Cremonini’s new girlfriend is the journalist Giorgia Cardinaletti. The news was reported by the weekly…

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It seems that there are no more doubts now: girlfriend Cesare Cremonini She is the reporter Georgia Cardinalite. The news was reported by the weekly ‘Chi’, which a few weeks ago had put forward the hypothesis that the former Lunapop singer was in a relationship with a famous face of TG1, which he did not name even though he did not give his name. Cremonini and Cardinaletti are keeping it in the strictest secrecy for the time being, but they seem to really go together and be very close.

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Cesare Cremonini and Giorgia Cardinaletti: how did they meet?

According to the weekly directed by Alfonso Signorini, the two met in September, when the singer presented his “virtual duet” with TG1 Lucio Dalla on notes”sea ​​StarCardinaletti was there to meet him in the studio, and after this meeting Cremonini invited the journalist to one of his concerts, after which love blossomed between the two.

Although they haven’t publicly introduced themselves yet, the two have already shared pictures together on social media. The first to do so was Cremonini himself who, on the occasion of the “convict’s” interview with Tg1, published a snapshot, accompanied by the journalist, in which he wrote: «Thanks to Tg1 and to the talent Giorgia Cardinaletti for having me. This evening and devoting an important space to “Stella Di Mare” ». In November, she shared a photo with the singer on Instagram, thanking him for the concert he had just attended.

Cremonene’s ex-girlfriends

Cremonini’s last official relationship was that with him Martina Major. There was a first Malika Ain, with whom he always had a beautiful friendship. According to some rumors, never confirmed, the singer could also have had an association with the former tissue of “Striscia la Notizia”. Ludovica Frasca.

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