Carnival in Saronno, “Beautiful dinosaurs and little cavemen but… where are the floats?”

Carnival in Saronno, “Beautiful dinosaurs and little cavemen but… where are the floats?”

Saronno – The families in the center of Saronno at the end of the carnival parade do not hide a hint of disappointment: the dinosaurs created by Proloco and Kels Saronno gathered images and appreciation as Ignoto Meliti school children and parents in caveman versions but the lack of real floats left everyone speechless .

The afternoon opened with the handing over of the keys to the Carnival City to King Amaretto and Queen Granilla and for the first time there was no representative from the management on stage. However, Mayor Augusto Eroldi and some council members were present in the square but the official walkway was missing.

At about three o'clock in the afternoon, after the meeting point in front of Villa Giannetti, the four dinosaur carriages, created with great precision and attention by the Cls who collaborated with Proloco, entered the square. Parents of Ignoto Meliti Primary School carried the sculptures around town, followed by their children: all dressed as little cavemen. Numerous photos and videos immortalized the procession, which was opened by the band and closed by Crazy Dog's dedicated percussion group.

A double tour of the centre, via Portese, via San Cristoforo, via Cavour, Piazza Aves and Corso Italia, with city masks Rei Granella and Regina Granella accompanied by the grand master of ceremonies of the Carnival Dino Gallo while on the stage prepared in the square Cinzia Maestrali dressed in a rainbow costume, making The children attending are fascinated by the historical songs for children as well as the songs of the recent Sanremo Festival. A great desire to celebrate, many original costumes such as a Tic Tac costume, a rain costume or a Pokemon Ball costume, but the disappointment of a new carnival without floats was the theme that ran among the different groups of friends and families.

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After the mask contest on Friday, the Red Cross-organized fly fishing was well received with a tie for adults and surprise-and-get-a-treat fun for the kids.

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