Car review, take the raise: how to claim the reward

Car review, take the raise: how to claim the reward

This was supposed to take place on November 1, but thanks to the holiday, the increase in the cost of repairing a car came into effect on November 2, which varies depending on whether you go to the civil authorities or a special service center.

In the case of the audit in civil transport offices, in fact, the cost is 54.95 euros against the previously expected 45, an amount that rises for private affiliated centers: in this case, VAT must be added to the base price (22%), the car rate (10.20 €), and postage costs (1.78 €), for a total of € 79.02, up 18% from € 66.88 paid now.

The increase came with an amendment to the 2021 budget law, and with the issuance of the executive decree by the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, in addition to the new tariff, an official concession was granted to motivate car owners. to check the car.

Review the bonus, how it works and who can request it
In fact, the legislation provides for a “safe vehicle voucher” of 9.95 euros, 4 million euros of which were allocated from 2021 to 2023, for a total of 12 million. Recipients are people who will submit their vehicle for inspection between November 1, 2021 and December 31, 2023, and can apply for a bonus of €9.95 from the date the selected digital platform comes into operation.

The site will be the only tool through which a contribution can be requested, after registering on the platform using a Spid, an electronic ID card or a national service card. The platform will be operational from December 21, 2021, and the application can only be submitted after the review has taken place. So be careful: unlike other bonuses, the contribution will not be paid in the form of a discount on overhaul, but later by payment to the current account, and it is valid only for one car and only once in the three-year period .

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When applying, it is necessary to indicate the registration number of the vehicle to be repaired, which should be in the name of the person requesting the bonus or to the company in the case of the applicant being appointed by the company itself, the date of the comprehensive repair, the IBAN that will be added to the payment, the name and name of the account holder Current or partner and e-mail address of any communications. It will be up to Consap to verify whether the applicant is truly deserving of the award.

Car Check What the law says
Vehicle inspection is mandatory and subject to Article 80 of the Highway Code. The law stipulates that it be carried out every two years, the only exception is the first, which must be done within 4 years of the first registration within the month of the issuance of the registration certificate. For anyone who drives a vehicle without an overhaul, an administrative fine of 169 to 680 euros is imposed, which can be doubled in case of repeated omission of the repair.

With the penalty, the suspension is also triggered from circulation until the review takes place. If you drive a vehicle that has been suspended from circulation pending the result of the audit, another administrative penalty is applied in amounts ranging from €1959 to €7,837. In addition to this is also added the administrative seizure of the car for a period of 90 days, and in case of repeated violations, the administrative confiscation.

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