BonÀrea will open 23 stores in 2024 and continues to work on consolidation in Catalonia and Aragon

BonÀrea will open 23 stores in 2024 and continues to work on consolidation in Catalonia and Aragon

BonÀrea Agrupa will open a total of 23 new stores in 2024, bringing the food group to the number 600 across the territory. Likewise, following the strategic line of increasing its facilities and ensuring a wide range of products, the company also expects 14 relocations, one expansion and one overhaul. These are expansion figures that maintain the pace of previous years, with the desire to integrate into Catalan and Aragon territories and continue to open the way to La Rioja or Navarre. As of this March, the area of ​​facilities in Bonria is more than 2,300 square metres. The food group also serves rural residents where there are no food stores.

BonÀrea is focusing on new openings for 2024 in the Aragon community, where the group has already opened new stores in Huesca. The ante has also been boosted in Aragon with a new food hub in Ibella (Zaragoza). The project has a budget of around €400 million and is expected to employ more than 4,000 people.

BonÀrea currently has establishments in Catalonia, Aragon, Castellón, Valencia, Madrid, Navarra, La Rioja, Guadalajara and Andorra. The food group makes more than 2 million purchases every week and the products manufactured and marketed by BonÀrea represent more than half of its total sales.

The company specializes in meat products, and offers its products through direct sales and without intermediaries. In fact, the company has the necessary elements to complete the food production cycle from raising and fattening the animals, through product preparation and logistics to marketing the product.

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The main companies of BonÀrea Agrupa are BonÀrea Cooperativa, BonÀrea Corporación and CaixaGuissona. The group ended 2022 with record sales of 2,822 million euros and employing 6,200 people.

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