Repair of the final section of Avinguda de Roma resumes

Repair of the final section of Avinguda de Roma resumes

Barcelona City Council The Avinguda di Roma street repair project resumes. Section specifically Between Estel building and Sants station. The municipal company BIMSA has already put the redevelopment competition to tender and €40,141.08 was initially contracted to carry out the preliminary studies and up to €631,779.43 has been budgeted for the winning team to carry out the rest of the works included in the contract.

Business that is scheduled to start At the end of 2025It will also include parts of Mallorca and Villamarre streets, Approximately 52,000 square meters at an approximate cost of 22 million euros.

More space for pedestrians

There will be more green spaces and more space for pedestrians And a play area for dogs. Large trees, such as tibuan or pine, will be arranged on the sides of the track, because the railway corridor to Sants runs below the central part. In full extension Structures and elements will combine to generate energy The system provides shade. Alphonse Sort, who lives in the area, explains:Neighbors dream of a green axis Or with actions similar to peaceful street sections, from now on he says:It is an outdoor parking lot“.

More than 50% of the street is awaiting redevelopment

Draft It affects 50% of the route and will be implemented in stages. In 2004, it actually took place between the streets of Arago and Count d’Orgel and in 2010 between the latter and Villadomat.

One aspect that will be taken into account is that in the section between Viladomate and Entensa, the route is currently doubled with Valencia and Mallorca.. On the other hand, the aim is for the route between Intensa and Tarragona to be a continuation of Mallorca and have only one direction, but it is waiting to be determined according to the final design of the areas surrounding the Sants station.

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The procedure also includes the Carrer de Mallorca section between Entença and Rocafort, and the Carrer de Vilamarí section between Provence and Avinguda de Roma.

It will start in front of the Estel Building

By the municipal government, The completion of the Estel Building and Sants Station conversion work is an opportunity To consider redeveloping the street. This is confirmed by Eixample Council member Jordi Valls They work with the idea that “the first section that can be put into operation is the section between the Villadomat and Calabria, This may be in December 2025, although it is necessary to wait until the completion of preliminary studies of the entire axis.

But the neighborhood association congratulates themselves on the news Note that it is opened when there is a large financial transaction Like the Estel building. Xavier Riou, vice president of the entity, recalls that at the time, “When Telefonica He achieved the rehabilitation of the property, which was an equipment building, and showed the city and city council some buildings that we had not yet seen a few years later.

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