Blanco Wade fans at the concert for Radio Italia. “It is harassment”, “No, it is normal” –

Blanco Wade fans at the concert for Radio Italia.  “It is harassment”, “No, it is normal” –
from Elvira cira

The issue of the singer’s video was touched upon on stage. Julia Bongiorno: “This is sexual violence, a crime punishable by 6 to 12 years.” Silence of Fayez Sanremo with Mahmoud: “Love Bath”

no.Nobody noticed (regardless blanco), if @luciadalgri hasn’t posted the video on Tik Tok. and in This short videowho then moved to the web (thanks to Tweet from @camreline), the Brescian artist, up to the century Riccardo Fabriconi19 years, Sanremo won 2022 with Mahmoudclosed the concert in the cathedral square for forty years on Radio Italy in a sea of ​​​​fans, while A female’s hand rests slightly on her center of gravity. Lucia, the author of the photos, superimposed comments: “Thank you to the girl who put her hand on Blanco… I ruined the video where he took my friend’s hand.”

Harassment or sexual violence?

Maybe it would have ended there if those pictures hadn’t gone viral, sparking pro-, against, comments it’s harassment, it’s not harassment, he’s been surrounded by fans (so if he’s looking for her?), at other times the singer would have called With the band in the locker room and no one would have anything to say, and so on indefinitely. Or maybe not. Because what happened Blanco, in a plaza that was home to 19,900 people, plus thirty thousand others around, became the starting point to ask a question and try to find the answer. Was it harassment?

A crime punishable by 6 to 12 years

Lawyer says, “No, it was sexual violence.” Julia Bongiorno, Northern League senator, founder and Michelle Hunziker of Double Defense, a non-profit organization committed against discrimination, abuse, and violence against women. Article 609bis of the Criminal Code explains: “Sexual violence is any act that turns into a fleeting physical contact between the passive person and the subject and threatens the freedom of self-determination.” In the case: Groping erogenous zones without the consent of the other – Man or woman – The crime of sexual violence can be combined with a sentence of 6 to 12 years in prison. “The key word is consent,” continues the lawyer. “During his performance Blanco was not in a position to show that.”

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It’s not a “hoax”

Much of the discussion on social media has instead focused on the word “harassment” – conversely, what would have happened? – Excluded by Julia Bonjorno. “Sexual harassment occurs in the case of vulgar expressions of a sexual nature: invasive and continuous courtship other than sexual assault.” But even here the deputy points out: “I want him not to be deprived of a joke. What happened to Blanco is not a “dangerous matter”: it is a crime.”

Blanco’s silence

Many comments, especially from women, show a new awareness. @In2siamounklan wrote on Twitter: “Ricardo doesn’t let you feel like you like it just because he gets close to you during concerts, in the same way a girl wouldn’t let you do anything just because she’s wearing a miniskirt. The basic concept remains respect.” It would be interesting to know the opinion of the person concerned. Ma Blanco, in the post published after the concert On Instagram, he just makes a date for the fans in Bologna and thanks them. Love bath. No comment.

May 24, 2022 (change on May 24, 2022 | 22:53)

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