Discovery of a new plant subspecies thanks to the work of Gev
The wild grass was identified by Professor Gotschlich of the University of Pipes
Montevichia – It has been called Hieracium racemosum subspecie spinidentatum and is a new botanical subspecies discovered in Montevideo and Valle del Coron.
Identification of this new entity was made possible thanks to the herbarium samples deposited in Cascina Butto, the result of a twenty-year collection by some volunteer environmental rangers. While reviewing a group of these dried plants, Dr. Gunter Gotschlich of the University of Piping, a professional expert in the genus Hieracium, noticed a new subspecies.
The spontaneous lawn in question was discovered in 2014 by volunteer Environmental Guard Melina Villa who has dedicated himself for years with passion and competence to research and protection of the garden’s plants, with the help of advice from Dr. Gallasso and Dr. Banfi at the Natural History Museum in Milan.
“The discovery is particularly important, and it was published in the scientific journal Phytotaxa, It reveals how important it is for protected areas to enhance the protection and care of natural heritage through research and knowledge – Explanation from Cascina Butto offices -. With this discovery, our park has shown that there are still riches to explore inland and that nature can always surprise us with unexpected surprises.”
Anyone interested in the document posted on Phitotaxa can download it here:
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