Big Brother VIP 2021 Episode 20 / Elimination & Live: Nicolas vs. Mirjana

Big Brother VIP 2021 Episode 20 / Elimination & Live: Nicolas vs. Mirjana

Live Big Brother Vip 2021: Live commentary Twentieth Episode November 19

Now in the Big Brother Vip 2021, it’s time to turn attention to Miriana Trevisan who is at risk of disqualification, Alfonso Signorini wanted to show the woman how her roommates did not remain indifferent to her position after the exclusion of Nicola Besso. Other contenders did not welcome the explosion of women’s joy after Nicholas was eliminated, especially by Katya and Solai, while on the other side there were those who were suffering. After Monday’s episode, Mirjana did not react well to the criticism she received.
Mirjana, when asked by Alfonso Signorini, explained why she described the attacks she received as “attacks by moralists”: “I always told the truth, I always tried to tell him how important this trip was to me and I wanted to enjoy a short trip.” Nicola, in the studio, responded to Alfonso Signorini who commented on his last week: “I had a great time” and then the boy commented: “If this is the end of his path, it’s okay, I don’t wish him and so. If he’s out for a bit, I’ll be glad, to see How did you treat me?” Nicola from the studio in Manila commented on his disappointment towards him, Manila replied: “You acted with unwarranted anger towards me too. Francesca was in attendance.” The former Miss Italy said: “As a woman a little older than you I was offended.” (Agg. Adriana Lavecchia)

Soleil reiterated his confidence in Alex Bailey

Tonight, Alex Bailey will finally be able to clear Adriana Volpe after the columnist’s accusations against him during the last episode; For Alex Belli, though, the evening won’t end here because he’ll also have to deal with Soleil Sorge after the girl in the past few days expressed some of her doubts about the actor. Alfonso Signorini immediately wanted Sulley and Alex together in a mystery, and showed the contestants videos of Delia’s entrances inside the house, of Alex’s fantasy charges by the other competitors and of the house and Sulley Surge’s accusations of Alex. Billy.
Alfonso Signorini decided to investigate Sulli’s suspicions that were born during the week that everyone accused Alex, Sulli replied: “I find that his ambiance is the nature created over the years with his profession, it is his person and I did not doubt it. My friends happened to be disappointed by this And when there were so many doubts, I began to doubt Alex, too.” Alfonso also expressed his opinion about the two contenders: “When I look at you I see something flowing between you and I doubt there is something between you.” Sonia Bruganelli of the studio gives advice to Alex, whose image is cracked after Delia appears on the show: “You should calmly return to make your trip with Sully, to distance yourself from what happened to you, because you risk that in two weeks he will be out and Delia will come.” For Alex Belli, it doesn’t end here, he has now been invited by Alfonso Signorini to join the studio… (Agg. Adriana Lavecchia)

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Alex will face Adriana Volpi

A new episode of Big Brother Vip 2021 begins, an evening where all the decades will reach their climax: even the one created with Soleil Sorge in the past few days, Alex Belli will also be the protagonist of a mysterious meeting inside the studio. Adriana Fox. Alfonso Signorini has announced to everyone that there will also be a showdown between Sulli and Sophie, an episode full of tension about to start tonight on Channel 5. Home… Who knows how Vippos will react with the entry of new competitors. (Agg. Adriana Lavecchia)

Big Brother Vip 2021 Presents Episode 20 on November 19

Everything is ready for episode 20 of Big Brother VIP 2021 Who will see one between Gianmaria Antinolfi, Sophie Codegoni and Mirjana Trevisan Leave home unless someone has a return ticket. Not only will Gianmaria be nominated tonight, but he will listen to the opinions of his roommates about his relationships, and after he opens his heart to Sophie by telling about the relationship with her father, she will meet her sister again tonight. Familiar moment too Alex Bailey That after a series of difficult episodes he will receive some sweet words from his father.

Moment also dedicated to Sophie Codegoni and Sulley Sorge who had some discussions in the last few days after their failed attempt to establish a friendship. Alfonso Signorini Tonight he will pit the two girls against each other again (Agg. Adriana Lavecchia).

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Big Brother Vip 2021 Gianmaria On Trial

A stress-filled evening today November 19 for Big Brother Vaib’s competitors. The biggest expectation is the elimination of tonight who will definitely leave a void in the house of Canale 5. Gianmaria Antinolfi, Miriana Trevisan and Sophie Codegoni have created many dynamics in recent weeks, which is why they will be such great champions tonight. Alfonso Signorini has surprises waiting for them, especially for Gianmaria who will not only have to deal with what the Chamber of Deputies thinks about his courtships, but will then have the opportunity to have a clarification with Sophie. Finally, a sweet moment for him who will receive a visit from his sister Alberta. (Updated by Anna Montesano)

Who will isolate tonight?

Friday, November 19, in prime time, Channel 5 broadcasts the twentieth episode of the series Big Brother Vip 2021. This is a highly anticipated episode of the audience and can start with a comment Alfonso Signorini on the storm that arose from his abortion. By his side, as always, there will be Adriana Volpi and Sonia Bruganelli Which, then, will deal with all the topics of the evening. Over the course of the evening, the Big Brother Vip 2021 home will lose a very important tenant.

In fact, there are TV shows Miriana Trevisan, Sophie Codegoni and Gianmaria Antinolfi, Three contenders have contributed to creating many dynamics. Of the three, a person will permanently leave home unless they have a return ticket. From web polls, it looks like it might be an all-female challenge between Sophie and Mirjana. Obviously, Gianmaria shouldn’t take any chances.

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Big Brother Vip 2021: surprises for Alex Belli and Gianmaria Antinolfi

As in every episode of Big Brother Vip 2021, even that night, there will be some exciting moments with some competitors who will get special surprises. will start from Janmaria Antinolfi that can be eliminated. During the week, she opened up about her conflicted relationship with her father. Tonight, his sister will come to pet him at home.

Moreover Alex Bailey, After the difficult final episodes in which he faced the wrath of his wife Delia Doran, he is going to have a very special moment. After he receives a visit from his brother, in fact, he will be able to receive his father’s sweet words. They will be two very exciting moments for both the protagonists, but also for their roommates.

Soleil Sorge vs Sophie Codegoni, Angry Brawl Coming to Big Brother Vip?

There will be comparisons and clashes during the 20th episode of Big Brother VIP 2021. The first will be among them Soli Sorge e Sophie Copdigoni. After trying several times to establish a friendly relationship, this evening, during what could be Sophie’s last episode, Alfonso Signorini will pit them against each other again.

Moreover Janmaria Antinolfi The protagonist will be in comparison to other competitors who, in recent days, had to say about his position. Who will side with the Neapolitan businessman and who will defend him instead?

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