Biden wants 15 gigawatts by 2035

Biden wants 15 gigawatts by 2035

The White House plan calls for 15 new gigawatts of installed capacity within 13 years. Thanks to what the LCoE of this technology in the USA could drop by 70% to $45/MWh. A new estimate of the country’s wind energy potential assumes 1.5 TW for fixed-bottom offshore wind and 2.8 TW for floating wind.

Biden wants 15 gigawatts by 2035
photo from photography Sander Whitling on me Unsplash

The United States lags behind China and Europe in the floating wind

( — After opening the first offshore wind auctions for blocks off Maine, New York and the West Coast, Biden is trying to speed throughfloating wind. Yesterday, the President of the United States announced 15 new gigawatts of installed capacity with floating technology by 2035.

A mandatory step to take full advantage of the potential of wind energy. “Traditional offshore wind turbines can be connected directly to the shallow seabed near the east coast and the Gulf of Mexico.”And the explain White House. “However, deep-water regions, which require floating platforms, are home to two-thirds of America’s offshore wind potential, including along the West Coast and the Gulf of Maine.”

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An update of the DOE Study of Star and Wind Possibility Planned conducted in mid-August this year shows that between the two coasts of the two oceans, the Gulf of Mexico and the Great Lakes in the north, the U.S. Huge estimated potential: 1.5 TW of installed capacity for conventional offshore wind and 2.8 TW for floating wind.

Credits: NREL

A potential that is still almost completely underutilized at the moment. Indeed, Washington suffers from a significant lag compared to its main competitors – China and Europe – in wind energy. But the low costs of this technology make it increasingly attractive. In 2021, the estimated cost of energy (LCoE) for commercial-scale offshore wind projects in the US decreased by 13%, averaging $84/MWh, ranging from Between $61 and $116/MWh.

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With this initiative, the White House estimates that it will be possible to reduce the costs of floating technologies by more than 70% by 2035. Up to $45 per megawatt-hour. And fill in the blank with the major mounting states. “The actions taken today will lead the United States to become the world leader in floating offshore wind technology. Globally, only 0.1 GW of floating offshore wind has been installed so far, compared to more than 50 GW of fixed bottom offshore wind. America will seize this opportunity To be at the forefront of floating offshore wind technologies.”reads a note from the presidency.

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