Sylvia Landy Bastet continues her journey and greets Carrara. ஸ்டmit Turgay Durgun’s cat bastard, who lived in Piazza Caesar Batista for almost two months at Animosi’s historical theater, is preparing to leave Carrara, precisely for the United States, Orange County, Florida. During an interesting conference and discussion at the Sala de Marmi of the Academy of Fine Arts in Carrara, we revisited the history of Bastet, who was born as an idea when we visited the Egyptian Museum.
By Sylvia Landy
Bastet continues his journey and greets Carra. ஸ்டmit Turgay Durgun’s cat bastard, who lived in Piazza Caesar Batista for almost two months at Animosi’s historical theater, is preparing to leave Carrara, precisely for the United States, Orange County, Florida. During an interesting conference and discussion at the Sala de Marmi of the Academy of Fine Arts in Carrara, during a visit to the Egyptian Museum in Turin, we retrieved the history of the bastard who was born as an idea when he took on the mythical form. In the Egyptian tradition the mother and Ra – the sun god – the cat who created the world. Durgan reinterprets Bastet in a participatory urban context, with great empathy and the ability to interact with people, evoking emotions among young and old alike. An example of related urban art, the bastet is built of stainless steel and garden steel, six meters high and has an access door to enter the statue’s belly. Bastard is an epidemic that is immediately apparent from the story of the artist and those who collaborated with him in various ways on the project. The curator, Filippo Rolla, along with Nicholas Bertox (co-founder of the Arcot Foundation in Cerva) and Cynthia Chao) talks about how the project was born and shaped into the foundation’s laboratory. Photos allow you to retrieve all design and finishing work. Of work. Divided into eight parts during his travels, Bastet began his tour of Istanbul, where it was exhibited at the Elgi Museum, Turkey’s first contemporary art museum, welcoming artists from around the world. , So she came to Carrara, and has now reached the United States and is preparing to stay in Orlando for a full year. Bastet and his journey are the result of a song that has become an important fact for the invaluable contribution of people and organizations: the municipality of Carrara, the mayor of Carrara, Francesco de Pascual, the cultural councilor Federica Fordi, the director Luciano Massari, the Academy of Fine Arts, Arcadio and Arcadio Culture, Elkis Museum of Contemporary Art in Istanbul (Turkey), Toronto (Olondi), Director of Arts and Cultural Affairs in Orange County Orlando.
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