Athletics, world record Ryan Crozier in the shot put! Space measure 23.56, a star cascade in Los Angeles!

Athletics, world record Ryan Crozier in the shot put!  Space measure 23.56, a star cascade in Los Angeles!

to Los Angeles Grand Prixvalid for Athletics Continental Golden Roundtwo-time Olympic champion Shot PutHe. She American Ryan Crozierto improve World records At Drake Stadium, he touched the previous record, which already belonged to him.

crushing 23.37 was founded in 2021 in Eugene: late in the Italian evening, the American went one step further, throwing a 23.56 metersalmost risking throwing the weight over the wall that marks the end of the area reserved for the major.

If on the one hand summit From the race of Ryan Cruiser, world champion in 2022, which completed last December 30, is spacea whole series of The American is excellent: 6 launches, all validfor one Average over 23 metreswith a try Worst flying at 22.80.

It is immediately understood that there may be something magical: Cruiser instantly kills the race with 23.23 On the first try and then on the second try it leads to 23.31. The third throw directly under the wall 23 m, prof 22.94then the offer you deserve Recorded at 23.56. The last two attempts a 22.80 And 22.86 To finish beautifully.

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Final weight ranking

1 Ryan Crozier (USA) 23.56 WR NR (23.23-23.31-22.94-23.56-22.80-22.86)
2 Tom Walsh (New Zealand) 22.12 SP (22.08-22.12-21.58-XX-21.91)
3 Peyton Outerdale (USA) 21.99 PB (21.51-21.80-21.99-X-21.93-21.93)
4- Ozil Munoz (Mexico) 21.88N (19.90 – 21.14 – 21.18 – 21.38 – 21.88).
5 Chukwuebuka Enekwechi (Nigeria) 21.69 SB (21.09-21.69-XX-20.85)
6 Adrian Piperi (USA) 21.49 = SB (21.28-XX-21.49-21.42)
7 Josh Otunde (USA) 20.91 (XXXX-20.91)
8 Daryl Hill (USA) 19.56 (XXX-19.56-X)

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Photo: Pierre Colombo

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